Communists and Radical Left-Wing Democrats: They Have A Lot in Common
October 14, 2019
It seems as though over the last ten years the US has been trending towards the left side of our political spectrum. One could argue that this movement began to pick up momentum during the Obama Administration. It is not my intention to infer that Barack Obama was a left-wing radical. Actually, by today’s standards, he would probably be considered a moderate. That said, I do believe that his presidency did embolden those on the extreme left to become more radical and more disrespectful towards those people who happen to disagree with them.
Those same people were unable to accept the fact that Hillary Clinton lost the 2016 election. This is still true to this day. These people were also unable to accept the fact that after having the President’s ear for eight years, that access would no longer be available to them. Hence, we have all been forced to endure this constant witch hunt of which President Trump has been the target.
So like all good left-wing radicals, rather than accept the results of a free and fair election they have decided to act up. They whine and they cry. They piss and they moan. And they scream and they riot. They also threaten, both verbally and physically, anyone who disagrees with them.
The election of 2016 did not go as expected for those on the left. Hillary Clinton was supposed to be a shoe-in. However, the American electorate had other ideas. The left anticipated another eight years of having the President’s ear. Obviously, they were disappointed. This disappointment was so severe that it caused what is now commonly referred to as Trump Derangement Syndrome (TDS).
This disappointment has caused the political discourse in this country to devolve to the point that those on the radical left wing of the Democratic Party have decided to attempt to overthrow a duly elected President of the United States. Some people are calling this a quiet coup. Quiet is hardly the word I would use to describe the activities of the radical left.
Overthrowing a legal government or, in this case, the duly elected President of the United States, is a tactic used by communists. With the exception of Venezuela, every government that has ever been overthrown by communists has been the result of a violent takeover. In the case of the two largest communist countries, Russia and China, the violence resulted in the deaths of at least sixty million people.
What appears to be happening here is that the radical left-wing Democratic Party, led by Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and Jerold Nadler, have begun a smear campaign to try to discredit the President. By using propaganda and innuendo it is their hope to convince the American public that the President is guilty of committing a high crime or a misdemeanor. Being found guilty of such a crime would make President Trump unfit for office. Whateverrrr.
When you consider that twenty Republican senators would need to vote with these radical Democrats to convict President Trump, it becomes evident that the only possible advantage to be gained is to discredit the president. This push to remove President Trump is being pursued only by people on the left. The president currently enjoys a 90% approval rating among Republicans. He will most likely retain that support, which makes the entire process a complete waste of time.
I say this because in true Soviet style their ultimate goal is one party rule. So in addition to impeaching Trump, they would also like to impeach Vice President Pence who is actually more conservative than the President. And while they’re at it they would like to impeach the one hundred and fifty or so federal judges that have been nominated by the President and approved by the Senate. In addition, they might just as well impeach the five conservative justices on the Supreme Court. Lest we forget, there are also 197 Republican members of the house that should also be impeached. I guess that should just about do it.
As ridiculous as all this sounds there are actually left-wingers out there who are hoping for events like those described above to occur. You just have to listen to all the negative rhetoric about the constitution that’s currently being discussed by those on the radical left. For example, there is talk about eliminating the electoral college, limiting freedom of speech, convicting people accused of a crime without due process, and the left’s least favorite constitutional amendment, the right to bear arms. These are all just minor little details that the left would just as soon dispense with. After citing the above examples, it is ironic to me that people like Nancy Pelosi and Jerold Nadler wrap themselves in the constitution and become its staunchest defenders when it suits their purpose. Of course, when it works against their narrative, these fair-weather patriots can’t change the constitution fast enough.
There were highly placed people in federal law enforcement and also in at least two or three of our intelligence agencies who actually tried to manufacture a crime and frame the President of the United States, both before and after he was inaugurated. I’m talking about trusted public servants like James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strozk and Lisa Page, all of which were terminated for cause from the FBI. There is also evidence that Assistant Attorney General Rod Rosenstein also may have wanted to remove the President.
Other people such as former Director of the CIA John Brennan and former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper may also have tried to undermine the President and even work to remove him from office. These are the people who are responsible for squandering roughly $35M of taxpayer dollars on Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia Collusion investigation. This so-called investigation found no evidence of wrongdoing by President Trump or people in his campaign.
This investigation was undertaken by Mr. Mueller and nineteen angry Democratic lawyers, including known Trump-hater, Andrew Weissman. These attorneys were drooling at the prospect of finding grounds to remove President Trump from office. My point here is simply this: Nineteen biased, highly motivated, drooling at the mouth lawyers, along with forty FBI investigators who were assigned to this case, were unable to find sufficient evidence that Donald Trump conspired with Russians to affect the outcome of the 2016 election. This should have been enough to convince any rational person that Trump did not conspire with the Russians.
The only problem here is that we are not talking about right-thinking people. We are talking about radical left-wing extremist Democrats. Let me put this bluntly: If this two and a half year, $35M investigation was unable to convince everyone that Trump, or his campaign, did not conspire with the Russians, then nothing ever will. This is the way communists think. No matter what the evidence is, no matter how crystal clear the evidence is, if it fails to support their position, it is dismissed out of hand as untrue. Does this sound similar to the habits and beliefs of the radical left wing to you?
When communists take over political control of a country, they begin to change laws and also that country’s constitution. This is basically what happened in Venezuela when Hugo Chavez became president. He was able to wrest control of the government from the legislature and gain control of the military. It was control of the military that gave him the political power to become a dictator. Hugo Chavez was president until he died in 2013. Upon his death Nicholas Maduro assumed the presidency and, as we have seen, it has been all downhill for the country of Venezuela since then. The people are starving, their money is worthless, there is no medicine, and armed gangs are patrolling the streets. Mr. Maduro is able to maintain his control of the country by paying off the generals who control the military. They are being assisted by the Cuban military and also Russian military personnel. This is what communists do. They will take control of a country in any way they can.
Right after the 2016 presidential election, radical left-wing Democrats started pushing the narrative of eliminating the electoral college which would mean that all future presidents would be elected by popular vote only. Just recently congresswomen Ocasio-Cortez (and others of her ilk) made a statement to the effect that electing future presidents by popular vote only would be fairer and more equitable.
If the electoral college were to be eliminated, every future presidential election would be decided by the three states on the west coast, the states located in the northeast corridor of the country and the state of Illinois. These few states have over one third of the population of the US. If this policy were to be implemented, there would be a Democrat president in perpetuity. This change would be tantamount to rigging the system in favor of the Democrats.
In addition to the desired changes to our electoral system, the radical left also wants changes made to our system of justice. Specifically they want to pack the Supreme Court. This could happen if there was a Democratic President in office and he had at his disposal a democratic majority in the Senate. The president could nominate as many judges to Supreme Court as he wished, exceeding the current level of nine. These nominees would obviously have a very liberal bias and would be easily confirmed by the democratic majority in Senate. This would give the president complete control over the high court which would now basically do his bidding. If this type of change were to be made, it would be just another means of legally manipulating the system in favor of the radical left. I don’t believe that our founding fathers ever envisioned that our elected members of Congress would ever become so partisan that they would contemplate manipulating ours laws and also the rules governing how federal judges would be nominated.
The impeachment investigation being conducted by the Intelligence Committee Chairman Adam Schiff is nothing but a sham. This entire proceeding is nothing more than an attempt to overturn a free and fair presidential election. Mr. Schiff read a revised and false version of a transcript of the President’s phone call with President Zelensky of Ukraine during a meeting of the House Intelligence Committee. He also lied when asked if either he or his staff had spoken to the so-called whistleblower prior to his or her making the second and third-hand assertions public regarding the above-mentioned phone call.
In just the last few days the House has approved an impeachment inquiry to see if there is enough evidence to bring charges of impeachment against President Trump. Normally it is hoped that this type of vote would be passed on a by-partisan basis. In this case the bill resulted in no Republicans voting to authorize this inquiry. It authorizes a Soviet style inquiry with Adan Schiff acting as special prosecutor, judge, jury, and executioner. For these reasons this impeachment inquiry will be characterized as nothing more than another Democratic witch hunt.
Impeaching the President of the United States is one of the most serious undertakings that our Congress can take on. It is my belief that when such a task becomes necessary it is of paramount importance that any and all opportunities that would assist the President in his defense should be made available to him. The consequences of such an undertaking are too great to do any less. Yet, as this sham of an impeachment inquiry goes on, I have seen nothing but an effort from people like Adam Schiff and his cohorts to not only ignore the President’s right of due process, but to conduct a proceeding that is as partisan and as unfair as they can possibly make it. This inquiry is currently being conducted behind closed doors, without the President having the right to have counsel present. Republican members of the committee are limited in their ability to ask questions or cross-examine witnesses. In addition, Republican members are not allowed to call witnesses. Also, since these proceedings are being held behind closed doors, the American public is being kept completely in the dark. In an effort to be polite and not be vulgar, I have decided to refer to this Soviet-style kangaroo court as a sham, which is exactly what it is. This entire media circus is nothing more than a rigged proceeding designed not to determine the truth of the matter, but to guarantee the desired outcome of Nancy Pelosi, Adam Schiff, and the radical left wing of the Democratic Party as a whole.
At the end of WW2 the Soviets used their military to take control of what were to become the Eastern Bloc countries of Europe. These countries were originally taken over by force. Once these countries were firmly under the control of the Soviet military, those people who were put in charge and became the puppets of the Soviets began changing the laws and the constitutions of these countries in order to cement their control over their governments.
With the exception of these countries being taken over by the Soviet military, the tactics described above are similar to those being pushed by the radical left. Eliminating the electoral college and “packing” the Supreme Court are just two examples of Soviet style tactics that could be used to take control of our government and maintain control of the government. After all is said and done, the party that controls the executive branch and the federal judiciary controls the country. As we have seen in the past, once a country loses its freedom it becomes difficult, if not impossible, to regain it. It took forty-five years for the Eastern Bloc countries of Europe to regain their freedom. The reason they got it back was not because they were able to overcome the influence of the Soviet Union. They regained their freedom because the Soviet Union went bankrupt and no longer had the financial strength to control these countries.
We have all seen examples of radical left-wing fascists, such as Antifa, exercising their “right to peacefully protest.” Unfortunately,their idea of peaceful protest includes violent attacks on anyone who disagrees with their radical left-wing ideology. There are numerous examples of this throughout the country. The city of Portland, Oregon has been forced to tolerate these radicals for quite some time. These masked thugs have openly harassed law-abiding citizens on the streets of the city.
Ted Wheeler is the mayor of Portland and I believe he is also the police chief. It was reported that he told the local police to stand down instead of dealing with these law breakers. This is a complete abdication of his responsibility as mayor and also as the so-called police chief. Mayor Wheeler should either perform his duty and enforce the law and protect the citizens of his city or he should clean out his office and go home.
Another example of an Antifa riot took place at UC Berkeley. If you recall as I do (because I lived in Berkeley during the late 1960s and early 1970s), it was the birthplace of the free speech movement. My, how times have changed. Now, we have Antifa fascists rioting on campus in an attempt to stop a conservative speaker who was invited to speak on campus. Not only did these left-wing fascists violently protest against this man’s right to deliver his speech, they also did thousands of dollars’ worth of damage to the campus while the police stood there and watched. Do you see a pattern here? Why are the police standing down and not protecting law-abiding citizens—and also campus property?
This same scenario has played out on college campuses all over the country. Many of these speaking events have been cancelled because of the need for “additional security.” In other cases, college administrators have outright caved to the demands of Antifa radicals out of pure cowardice. Here again we have college officials abdicating their responsibility to protect free speech, their students, and campus assets from these Antifa thugs.
Allowing these Antifa gangsters to intimidate college administrators or law-abiding citizens on the streets of their cities is no different than allowing street gangs to take over your town. This type of behavior has to be met head on by law enforcement. If that fails, as it evidently has in Portland and other places as well, it’s up to the citizens to take action.
Limiting the free speech of citizens is a tactic used by communists when they take over countries or to maintain control of countries that they have already taken over. When the Soviets took over the countries of Eastern Europe, people were beaten and jailed for speaking out against the government. We are obviously not at that point here in the US, but people are being intimidated and shouted down for trying to speak their mind. This cannot be tolerated in a society that holds freedom of speech and freedom of the press in such high regard. Freedom is not free, and it never has been. It takes the efforts of a lot of people to make it work. We need to let those people who are tasked with protecting those rights perform their duty.
One of the most blatant examples of communist tactics used by the radical left was on display for the entire world to see. This, of course, was the confirmation hearing of Judge Brett Kavenaugh. Think of how different our legal system would be if everyone was guilty until proven innocent. Think of how different our legal system would be without the right of due process. Suppose you were denied the right to face your accuser or to have an attorney present at your hearing. These are just some of the basic rights that are guaranteed to everyone in this country. Yet, some of these rights were denied to Judge Kavenaugh during his confirmation hearing.
There were four accusers who made vile accusations against Judge Kavenaugh. Not one of those accusers could find a single witness to corroborate their claims of sexual misconduct. Not one. Do you think just maybe these charges were politically motivated?
In addition to the complete lack of evidence supporting the accusations, there were seven FBI investigations into the background and character of Judge Kavenaugh. These investigations took place over a twenty-five-year period and not one iota of evidence to back the claims of these women or to otherwise impugn the reputation of Judge Kavenaugh was found. After seven investigations by the world’s premier law enforcement organization you would think that there would be a high level of acceptance of the findings. But in true radical left-wing fashion, every Democrat on the Senate Judiciary Committee and in the Senate as a whole, voted against confirming Judge Kavenaugh.
Judge Kavanaugh and President Trump
Justice Kavenaugh was a respected member of the judiciary for roughly twenty years. In addition to being a respected lawyer and a federal judge, he was also a good family man, a civic minded citizen, and a practicing Catholic. This all changed the day he was nominated to the Supreme Court by President Trump. Overnight he became a rapist and sexual deviate. He was demonized and vilified by those on the radical left. All this before he even appeared before the Senate Judiciary Committee.
These vile smear tactics are part and parcel to the scorched earth tactics used by communists. These radical left-wing hacks will say anything and do anything to advance their political agenda. They will lie, cheat, and steal to achieve their goals. In their minds, “THE ENDS ALWAYS JUSTIFY THE MEANS.”
For those of you who watched the Senate confirmation hearing of Judge Kavenaugh, you would have seen Senator Masie Hirono of Hawaii screeching at the top of her lungs, “These women must be believed.” That statement was code for: Due process be damned, Justice Kavenaugh must be rejected. It was also code for: We don’t need evidence to reject Judge Kavenaugh.
Other Democratic senators, such as Richard Blumenthal, Corey Booker, Kamala Harris, Sheldon Whitehead, and others who, with arms flailing, were spewing the same lies and BS as Senator Hirono. By the way, many of these same senators were walking around during the Mueller Investigation, telling anyone that would listen, about the evidence that there was linking Donald Trump to the Russian Collusion Hoax.
Most if not all of these senators are attorneys. As such, they are all well acquainted with the legal precepts of “innocent until proven guilty” and “the right to due process.” They are also quite familiar with the rules of evidence. One of the main rules of evidence is that such evidence must exist. In the case of every one of these senators, they were unable to produce one scrap of this so-called evidence. Their inability to produce any of this evidence tells me that this entire charade was put on for the sole purpose of standing in front of cameras so that their constituents could see them on television.
Another major similarity between communists and radical left-wing Democrats is the necessity for both groups to control all aspects of the economies of the countries they infest. For example, what is being sold by Senator Sanders and other left-wing socialists as Medicare for All is nothing more than a complete takeover of the healthcare system of this country.
Their plan is to eliminate all private healthcare insurance companies and replace them with a government-run, single-payer health insurance system. Implementation of such a system would eliminate all private health insurance companies. This would mean that government-run healthcare would be the only game in town. If this were to happen the government could set healthcare reimbursement rates at whatever level they choose. It is well-documented that private healthcare insurance companies reimburse healthcare providers at a higher rate than government-run programs. Therefore if this single payer healthcare plan were to become law, healthcare providers would be forced to accept lower reimbursement rates for their services. Healthcare is not free. Someone has to pay for it. It’s not necessary to have a doctorate in economics to understand that less revenue to healthcare providers will result in lower quality healthcare nationwide.
America has a choice. We can continue on with a healthcare system which includes private healthcare insurance companies and government-run healthcare plans such as Medicare and Medicaid, or we can convert the entire healthcare industry over to a government-run healthcare system. When you consider that between 160 million and 180 million people get their healthcare insurance through their employers and that most of those people are quite happy with their coverage, it becomes very difficult for someone like Bernie Sanders to sell his plan to the American public. That is roughly half of the population of the US. Why would any of these people be in favor of trading in their employer funded healthcare insurance for a substandard government-run plan? Why would anybody want a repeat of having a government run healthcare plan rammed down their throat in a manner similar to the way Obamacare was implemented? In addition to the roughly 180 million people on private insurance, there are also about 75 million Americans on Medicare. My wife and I happen to be included in that number. Just to be clear, Medicare is not free, and neither is healthcare in general. My wife and I both pay a monthly premium for that service. We have excellent healthcare providers and are well taken care of. If Medicare for All were to be implemented, Medicare as we know it would be eliminated. In addition, our federal income taxes would increase to pay for a plan that is substandard to what we currently have.
Further, it has been estimated by the Tax Foundation that federal taxes would increase by roughly $1.5T per year. Taking $1.5T out of the hands of consumers and giving it to the government would result in a reduction in consumer spending and also a reduction in the level of federal tax revenue. There is one other point to be made here and that is that the Medicare for All plan will cost the government $3.2T. Compare $3.2T with $1.5T. There is a shortage of $1.7T. Add that to the current deficit of $1T per year. If this plan were to become law our yearly deficits would increase to just under $3T per year. It is my belief that yearly deficits of that magnitude would cripple the US economy and cost millions of jobs.
There are other Americans who are able to pay for their own healthcare insurance. Unfortunately, I was unable to find a credible number of those people. But, when you add the number of people on employer funded health insurance to those on Medicare and Medicaid with those who are paying for their own healthcare insurance, the number is probably in the range of 300 million Americans. This is about 90% of our population. It makes no sense to disrupt the health insurance of 300 million people for the sake of 30 million.
As if controlling the healthcare industry, which is roughly 17% of the total US economy, was not enough, the radical left wing would like to control the entire US economy. The radical left wing of the Democratic Party would like to take over the entire US economy. These radicals, led by Bernie Sanders and other high-profile Democrats like Elizabeth Warren want to tell large US corporations how to run their companies. They want to tell these large US corporations how much to pay their employees, what benefits to provide, and in some cases how much to charge for their products.
Since when did someone like Bernie Sanders, who has been in public service for most of his working life, and has virtually no business experience to speak of, have the gall to tell business professionals—who have worked in the private sector their entire careers, risen up through the ranks of the businesses that they’ve worked for, and have made money for their employers—what to do? In many cases their employers are stockholders who have risked their money with the expectation of receiving a return on their investment. Senator Sanders has done nothing in his working life but live off of the US taxpayer. By the way, Senator Sanders has become a multi-millionaire during his time in office. Shouldn’t the rest of us be able to do the same.
Putting the government in charge of the US economy would be similar to putting Dracula in charge of the blood bank. This is the same government that has rarely been able to balance its yearly budget. It is also the same government that has been rife with graft and corruption for decades.
These people, or if you will, these socialists, want the citizens of the US to put them in charge of our $21T economy. I know this is difficult for all you left-wing radicals out there but, this $21T economy has become the envy of the world without any assistance from you or anyone who happens to agree with your radical left-wing socialist ideology. All that is required of you and your socialist friends is to stand down and let the world’s greatest economy continue to improve the standard of living here in American.
When a country is taken over by communists one of the first institutions that is put under communist control is the media. The rational here is that if the government is able to control the information let out to the public, it will be able to control the population. What has happened here is that much of the media here in the US has, on its own, acquired a left-wing bias. It has also allowed itself to become a willing accomplice of the radical left-wing Democratic Party. Whatever happened to the fair and impartial press that was supposed to be the “guardian of the constitution?” Sadly, it is becoming a distant memory.
There is evidence to support this premise. I know this to be true because I watch a number of different MSM news outlets every day. Basically all news outlets report the same news. The difference is the slant or spin put on the story by specific news organizations. It is not uncommon for me to see the same story delivered by different MSM news outlets and hear the exact same talking points, sometimes almost word for word, by different newscasters of the MSM.
It has been reported by media watchdog groups that 90% of the media coverage of President Trump has been negative. This is a president that has turned the economy around and lowered the unemployment rate to record levels overall and for minority groups. This prosperity has resulted in the creation of 6.7 million jobs by President Trump in just under three years in office. In addition, in the last nine months, there has also been significant wage growth.
President Trump has eliminated the ISIS caliphate. This was one of his first foreign policy achievements. He also convinced our NATO allies to contribute an additional $100B per year to the alliance. The purpose of NATO is to defend our allies in Europe from Russian aggression. That said, it makes perfect sense that those countries should contribute the agreed upon dues of 2% of their yearly GDP to help provide for their own defense. I just recently checked to see how many of our NATO allies were still in arrears on their dues. I found that only five countries out of the twenty-five members were current with their yearly contributions.
In December of 2017 the president signed into law the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act which made all the above-mentioned economic growth possible. He and his staff also negotiated the new USMCA trade deal with Mexico and Canada. This trade deal when ratified will create tens of thousands of new jobs here in the US. This trade agreement has been on Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s desk for almost seven months. This new agreement is a huge improvement over NAFTA which was implemented in the 1990s. Speaker Pelosi refuses to bring this agreement up for a floor vote in the House because she doesn’t want President Trump to “get a win.” How is that for putting political gain before the people you are supposed to be representing. For all of the positive legislation and programs, of which I have mentioned just a few, that President Trump has either initiated, or otherwise supported, he has received virtually no credit from the liberal left-wing MSM.
As stated above, when communists take control of a country one of the first things they do is to take over media outlets in that country. In the case of the American left-wing media, it has voluntarily allowed itself to become a willing accomplice of the radical left-wing Democratic Party. Yes, the Democratic Party of John F. Kennedy is dead. It is now the party of Karl Marx, Bernie Sanders, and AOC.
Finally, in order to perpetuate control of the government, it is necessary for the radical left to indoctrinate our young people, starting at a very early age. This is done by feeding our children a steady diet of left-wing propaganda about the “benefits of socialism.” The problem that immediately comes to my mind is that there are no benefits to socialism. Feeding these falsehoods about socialism to our young people is nothing more than state-sanctioned propaganda.
This strategy comes right out of the political playbook of the Soviet and Chinese communist parties. This political propaganda was also used by the Nazis in WW2 Germany. Remember the blonde-haired, blue-eyed super race? That was just one example of Nazi political propaganda. In America today this same strategy is being employed beginning in kindergarten and all the way up through post-secondary school. Is it really any wonder that between 45 and 50% of millennials think that socialism is a better economic system than capitalism? This is how the left wing “educators “ in the US poison the minds of our children. This type of propaganda should be a wakeup call for anyone who has children in local public school or post-secondary school.
It is the intent of this post to highlight, or more accurately, to expose the similarities in the methods and tactics of radical left-wing Democrats and communists. Some of the similarities, such as changing laws that are designed to take away our freedoms, as well as attempting to charge our constitution, are blatantly obvious for everyone to see. The changes that are advocated by the radical left, if implemented, would result in the country making a very hard turn to the left. This would basically move our country from a very prosperous capitalist system to a socialist system that would undoubtedly, drastically lower the standard of living here in America.
Other similarities, such as the indoctrination of our children in public schools and in college, are subtle and more difficult to recognize. Regardless of your politics, this is something we should all be against.
I have discussed several goals that are common to both groups. I have also given examples of the tactics used to accomplish these goals. I think that these examples speak for themselves. They have been used in the past by Soviet operatives in Eastern Europe. They were also used in Cuba and Venezuela. The threat is real and should not be underestimated.
It is the intent of the radical left to transform this country from a wealthy capitalist economy where hard work and success are rewarded into a socialist economy where mediocrity and sloth are accepted and even praised.
Why Bernie Sanders wants to fix an economy that isn’t broken is a question he should be asked at the next debate. He should also be confronted about paying for his “Medicare for All” plan. His numbers don’t add up. Our yearly deficits are presently just over one trillion dollars per year. If Senator Sanders plan were to be implemented it is estimated that it would cost the American taxpayers $3.2T per year. The estimated additional revenue that would be generated from the additional taxes proposed by Senator Sanders would amount to roughly $1.5T per year according to the Tax Foundation. When adjusted for the negative effect on the economy caused by the increase in taxes, the increase in government revenue drops to approximately $1T per year. If these numbers are correct, yearly federal deficits would increase to $3.2T per year. This plan does not take into account the effect on the deficit of increased interest expense.
In a previous post I wrote that in fifteen years the national debt of the US will be $50T. Interest on that debt in fifteen years will be approximately $1.5T per year. If the plan proposed by Senator Sanders were to become law, our national debt would balloon to at least $80T in the same period. Interest on that debt will increase to between $2.0T and $2.5T per year. This level of debt would be unsustainable. This would be true even if total government revenue, excluding borrowing, were to double. When you add together Medicare for All, free college tuition, other freebies that Uncle Bernie wants to give away, plus the increased interest expense, the tax revenue that would have to be generated would considerably dampen economic growth and cost millions upon millions of American jobs. Lower economic growth would mean less tax revenue for the government and would result in even higher deficits than were mentioned above.
The similarities in the methods and tactics used by the radical left wing of the Democratic Party come right out of the communist playbook. Shouting people down and physical attacks by Antifa fascists using metal batons are just two examples of limiting another person’s right to free speech. Congresswoman Maxine Waters, who tells her supporters to get into the faces of people who disagree with her, is not only an example of trying to limit the right of free speech of people who disagree with her, but there is also the possibility of starting a physical confrontation between the two opposing groups who may happen to disagree politically…. Is this why we pay people to represent us in Congress?
This is what happens when the radical left begins to lose its control over the country. They were unable to win in 2016, so their strategy now is to change the rules. They want to eliminate the electoral college, pack the Supreme Court, and make wholesale changes to other election laws to make it easier for them to win.
Another tactic that the radical left has borrowed from the communists is to just flat out lie. Examples of this would be the vicious, verbal attacks against the character of Justice Brett Kavenaugh, as well as the Russian Collusion Hoax that went on for two and a half years, at a cost of $35M of US taxpayer money. The sad part is that Robert Mueller and his team knew well in advance of his report being released that there was no wrongdoing on the part of the President or his campaign. Where the radical left and the communists are concerned, the ends justify the means. Always!
When you consider all the things that the radical left is trying to do, and the “out in the open, in your face tactics” that are being used, you would think that the media in the US would make the public aware of what the left was doing. This obviously is not happening.
This is not being done because most of the media is in league with Democrats from the radical left. They purposely fail to report stories that would be damaging to the left-wing narrative. This media has become so biased that it actually appears to be a subdivision of the radical left. It was even reported during the Obama Administration that the liberal media outlets were getting talking points directly from media people in the white house. Controlling the information that goes out to the public is a tactic that has been used by communists since the Bolsheviks Revolution in 1917 and it is being used today by the by the radical left-wing Democratic Party and it’s being used today for the exact same purpose.
One other tactic, of a more subtle nature, is the indoctrination of our young people. This process begins in kindergarten and continues all the way up through post-secondary school. This is why forty-five to fifty percent of millennials think socialism is a better economic system than capitalism.
Ronald Reagan once said, and I’m paraphrasing here: America is but one generation away from losing its freedoms. Millennials take note: Are you going to be the last generation to enjoy freedom in America?
Charles Colson (1931-2012), former White House Counsel