Are We Witnessing the Beginning of the End of What We Know as America?
November 23, 2020
“The sun never sets on the British Empire.” At one time in British history, that was a common refrain in the British Empire. Beginning in the 18th century, the greatest empire in world history began to fade. Numerous revolts from colonies and the detrimental effects of two world wars left the British military weak and the empire itself with much less influence around the world. Now, except for a few remaining territories, the British Empire is all but extinct.
It is my belief that America is now in the early stages of its decline. For a multiplicity of reasons, both internal and external, our country is in decline. It is happening right before our eyes and we are doing it to ourselves.
Either the people of this country are oblivious to what is happening or, as long as their lives are not negatively impacted, they are content to let this decline continue. As far as our elected officials are concerned, they either lack the courage and discipline to reverse our downward course or they have accepted this decline as inevitable. Both of these options are dangerous and put the country at risk. Both are unacceptable.
Before the pandemic the US government was running trillion-dollar annual budget deficits. Since the pandemic began those deficits have increased to the multi-trillion-dollar level. Anyone with even a modicum of common sense knows that this cannot continue indefinitely.
Most Americans are smart enough to realize that our government cannot continue to pile up trillion-dollar deficits year after year. Our elected officials on both sides of the aisle are also aware of this. However, they still continue to spend more money than the federal government takes in. They are able to do this by raising the debt ceiling almost at will.
There are many countries around the world, and individuals as well, who own US government debt. They don’t purchase this debt because of the interest they earn. As a matter of fact, in some cases the owners of our debt actually lose money because of inflation. They buy this debt because it is safe and because it is backed by the full faith and credit of the United States. If the day were to come when Congress was unable to agree to raise the debt ceiling, or the US was unable to sell more debt, the US would default on its debt commitments. This would cause a crisis that would devastate confidence in US government debt and shock financial markets around the world.
The habit of deficit spending has been going on for so long that it has become normal. It has also become acceptable. It is too easy for Congress to just raise the debt ceiling and borrow more money. This practice has been allowed to go on because there are no consequences. Our debt situation becomes more precarious every year. Our ability to sell debt will eventually end one way or the other.
At the end of FY 2020 our national debt was $27T. According to the federal budget for the same period, the interest on that debt was $523B. The fact that our government had to borrow the money to pay that interest speaks volumes. If that doesn’t make you nervous for the future of this country, it should.
As I see it, there are two sides to this problem. One side is that there are tens of millions of ignorant people in this country, if not more, who are of the opinion that the US government can either print or borrow as much money as it needs, whenever it needs it. Their belief in this false premise is half the problem. Borrowing or printing money at the level we are now doing will devalue the buying power of the dollar. If we keep printing money, eventually it will take more dollars to purchase the goods and services that we consume. For example, if a loaf of bread costs $3.00 today and the government keeps printing more and more currency, eventually that same loaf of bread may cost $4.00 next year simply because the dollar would have less buying power.
The other half of the problem is that there are politicians who believe that getting reelected is more important than doing the right thing for the country. To that end, they are willing to promise anything and everything possible to entice people to vote for them. An example of this is Senator Bernie Sanders who refers to himself as a Democratic Socialist. In addition to being a Democratic Socialist, he is also a multi-millionaire. Is Democratic Socialist multi-millionaire an oxymoron? It sure sounds like one to me.
As a way of getting themselves reelected, politicians buy votes by offering “free stuff” to their constituents at government expense. Using Senator Sanders again as an example, he is and has been an advocate for “Medicare for All” for years. The annual cost of this program is $3.2T. He is also in favor of free college tuition at all public colleges and universities at a cost of $50B per year. Senator Sanders would like the US government to forgive $1.6T in student loan debt. As you can see, Senator Sanders and many other Democrats are very generous people, especially with other people’s money.
The good senator is well known throughout the galaxy for his generosity. He is so generous in fact that he would like to extend free healthcare benefits to illegal immigrants. He is also in favor of providing Covid-19 relief checks to illegal immigrants who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic. His generosity has no limits. In addition, these benefits would be extended to the hundreds of millions of illegal immigrants who will be allowed to enter this country when Joe Biden’s open borders policy takes effect. If it is the goal of Senator Sanders to bankrupt this country, this is one way to get it done.
According to the Manhattan Institute, Joe Biden plans to spend an additional $11B over the next ten years. This would include $1.4T to expand and enhance Obamacare. It is his plan to lower the age eligibility of Medicare to age 60 at a cost of $300B over ten years. Other new spending programs will include $2T over four years to combat climate change and an additional $1T on Social Security and Supplemental Security Income. He is also in favor of an additional $3T in Covid-19 stimulus, which has already been passed by the House. Joe Biden would also like to spend an additional $1.5T on preschool, K-12, and college. He is also proposing $125B to fight opioid addiction and $650B on housing and other initiatives. These amounts are over and above the already record spending of $4.8T in the US budget for FY 2020. If I were a betting man, I would be willing to give odds that there will probably be even more.
As I stated above, the total amount of new spending proposed in the Biden plan is $11T over the next ten years. The total amount of new revenue generated by this plan is $3.6B, also over the next ten years. If he is able to eliminate the Trump Tax Cuts, the government would collect an additional $2.5T in revenue, bringing the total additional revenue to $6.1T. This would still leave an additional shortfall of $5T over the next ten years. That said, unless the Democrats win both Senate seats in the Georgia runoff elections, there is little or no chance of the Trump Tax Cuts being repealed. This would leave an additional shortfall of “only” $7.4T over the ten-year period. Adding this to the pre-pandemic budget deficit of roughly $1.2T per year would result in our National Debt reaching a level in excess of $50T by the year 2030. Just to be clear, I have not included the increase in interest expense over the ten-year period.
As you can probably guess from the tone of this post, I don’t have a lot of confidence that our elected officials will be able to make the tough choices necessary to save this country from financial ruin. They will continue to gorge themselves on the government tit until it runs dry. That is one reason why I believe our country is in decline.
The last two presidential elections have been called illegitimate. The election of 2016 was called illegitimate by the Democrats and now the election 2020 is being called illegitimate by the Republicans. The argument in 2016 was that Hillary won the popular vote so she was actually the real winner of the election. Most people in this country know that it’s not the popular vote that elects the president—it is the vote in the electoral college. This makes her entire argument bogus. Trump won the vote in the electoral college so he was declared the winner. There were no allegations of voter fraud or voting irregularities by the Clinton campaign. Trump won. End of story.
Regarding the election of 2020, the majority of the 74 million people who voted for Donald Trump not only question the results of the election, they are also questioning the system itself. It is their belief that the system was rigged. In the vernacular of Gunnery Sergeant Thomas Highway USMC (ret), the election process of 2020 was a cluster f_ _k.
There have been hundreds of witnesses in multiple states who have given sworn affidavits to the courts regarding irregularities that they have personally witnessed. These affidavits were signed under penalty of perjury. In the eyes of the court these affidavits are considered evidence. When this evidence was brought before the courts in these various states, the common response was that, even though these claims may have been valid, there were not enough votes affected to overturn the elections in these states.
I do agree with the court’s findings that the number of votes in question were insufficient to overturn the outcome of these elections. However, the number of votes and the number of signed affidavits were of a sufficient number to warrant further investigation. This would include, among other things, recounts by hand, signature verification, and ensuring that all votes were cast by living people and by legal residents of the state.
All this may not have changed the outcome of the election but it would have increased the confidence level of the voters that the election was fair and accurate. We now have a situation where Democrats did not accept the results of the 2016 election and the Republicans do not accept the results of 2020. They also have strong suspicions that this presidential election was rigged. If this distrust repeats itself every election, I see problems ahead for the country no matter which side wins the election.
There is also the issue of investigating the people who committed these voter irregularities and acts of voter fraud. Were laws broken and if so, should those that committed these illegal acts be prosecuted? If crimes were committed and the people responsible are held accountable, public trust in the election process will at least be partially restored.
At all levels of government, our justice system, is at risk. At the local level, it is being bought and paid for by large-dollar donors (such as George Soros), wealthy American elites, and philanthropic organizations (such as the Ford Foundation, among others). These organizations and these individuals, most of whom are wealthy enough to be able to afford bodyguards, are donating millions of dollars to the campaigns of leftist DAs and activist judges in an effort to obtain control of the legal systems at the local level. These activists, along with the very liberal mayors who have run our major cities for decades, are turning these cities into war zones. They now have complete control over who gets prosecuted and who doesn’t.
During the last several months many of these major cities have experienced unprecedented rioting and other violence at the hands of BLM and Antifa. In some cases, these criminals are arrested, charged, given a court date, and released with no bail. In other cases, these activists DAs are refusing to even charge these individuals with certain crimes. In both of these groups, those arrested are released without bail and allowed to go back on to the street and commit additional crimes. In my opinion, this is not an effective strategy for protecting law-abiding citizens and their property.
Several months ago, in a previous post I predicted that people who could afford to do so would pack up and leave these major cities. This is now happening in major cities all over the country. It is my belief that, once these people leave, many of them will not return.
Before the pandemic and also prior to the riots and looting, it was worth the additional expense for many people to live in a major city like New York. The theater, the museums, cultural activities, the great restaurants, and the social life were unparalleled. Now many of the benefits of city life no longer exist, and some will never return. It is no longer worth paying the ridiculous taxes and high cost of living in general to live in an unsafe environment. In addition, the public schools are atrocious. Given the choice, who in their right mind would choose to live in one of our major cities today?
The government officials of these cities are evidently of the opinion that the situation in these cities has not yet become dire enough. Many of these mayors and city council members have come up with a plan to make matters even worse than they are currently. They have decided, in their infinite wisdom, to either defund their police departments or cut funds from the annual budget of local law enforcement.
As it turns out, these big city mayors may not have to cut the budgets of their police departments after all. This talk of defunding the police has not escaped the notice of police officers all over the country. Many of these devoted members of law enforcement have had enough. In addition to having their livelihoods threatened by budget cuts, the risk to themselves, their fellow officers, and the public at large will increase because these budget cuts will result in fewer police on the streets.
The job was difficult enough as it was. Now without the support of the local government administrations, and with activist DAs and judges working against them, the local justice system has become a revolving door. In many cases the same people are arrested and rearrested and let back out onto the streets again. For some, the job is becoming untenable and they have decided to leave law enforcement.
Many of those who are eligible to retire are doing so. Those who are able to find police work in a safer environment, where their presence is appreciated, are moving to other municipalities. Others still are leaving law enforcement altogether and pursuing different careers.
Selective law enforcement exists in this country at all levels of government: federal, state, and local. The most egregious examples of selective law enforcement, and those that are the most damaging to the republic, are those that occur at the federal level. Unless you live under a rock you will be familiar with the following examples. If this is allowed to continue, faith in our system of justice will deteriorate and life in our republic will decline.
A more appropriate term for selective law enforcement at the federal level would be political corruption. There are examples of very well-known politicians who have gotten away with crimes such as obstruction of justice, destroying evidence, committing fraud on the FISA court, lying to federal officers, and lying under oath. If I or any average citizen would have been caught committing such crimes, we would have been hauled out of our homes in the middle of the night in handcuffs with guns pointed at our heads. If you think this is an exaggeration, just ask Roger Stone and his wife.
During the first term of Barack Obama’s presidency, Hillary Clinton was chosen to serve as his Secretary of State. While in office she had a private email server installed at her home in Chappaqua, NY. It has been reported that classified documents were sent and received on this server in violation of State Department regulations. It was also reported that attempts were made to hack into this server. Whether or not these attempts were successful is unknown.
Mrs. Clinton, accompanied by at least a half a dozen highly paid attorneys, was interviewed by the FBI for approximately 3 ½ hours. Details of the interview were not released. The personal server and upwards of thirty thousand emails contained on that server were destroyed. The server and the 30K emails were evidence, yet no charges were ever filed. That is selective law enforcement.
During the 2016 presidential campaign and even after Donald Trump became president elect, FISA warrants were obtained by the FBI to spy on members of the Trump campaign and the Trump transition team. Two of these warrants were signed by James Comey and two others were signed by Andrew McCabe, who was at the time Acting Director of the FBI.
It has since been learned that the basis for obtaining these warrants was due, almost exclusively, to information obtained from the so-called Russian Dossier, which was produced by former British spy Christopher Steele. Mr. Steele was paid over $1M by the DNC and the Clinton campaign to produce this work of fiction.
As early as January 2017 and possibly sooner, it was learned that the information contained in this “dossier” was nothing more than “bar talk” and Russian disinformation. That said, it was still used by the FBI to obtain two more FISA warrants and continue spying on Trump Administration officials. This is clear evidence that the FBI knowingly used false information to obtain FISA warrants to spy on the President of the United States and members of his administration. This was done in an effort to undermine his presidency. When you remove all the window dressing and the media BS, it shows in no uncertain terms that this was an attempted coup. If this is not an indication of a country in decline, I would like someone to explain to me just exactly what is.
Signing off on a FISA warrant when it is known that the evidence on which the warrant is predicated is false is a fraud on the FISA court. My basic knowledge of the law tells me that a fraud on the court, especially the FISA court, is a felony. James Comey and Andrew McCabe both signed off on FISA warrants knowing that the evidence on which these warrants were based was false. To date, neither of them has been charged.
Andrew McCabe is also said to have leaked information regarding an ongoing investigation to the press, and then lied about it to FBI Director James Comey. It is also alleged that he lied to other federal agents while under oath during an investigation conducted by Inspector General Horowitz. He was never charged for these crimes either.
These incidences of government officials breaking the law and not being held to account are all examples of selective law enforcement. Governor Newsome of California and Governor Whitmer of Michigan mandated Covid-19 restrictions on the general public, and then failed to follow their own rules. These are also examples of selective law enforcement.
People from all different backgrounds, ethnicities, and income levels, from all over the country, are becoming fed up with these “Rules for me but not for thee” mandates. If government officials are not held to the same standard as their citizens, people who are normally law-abiding citizens will begin to scoff at the law. When this behavior becomes the norm, we will have chaos and respect for the law in our society will decay.
President Trump was accused of participating in a Quid Pro Quo with President Zelensky of Ukraine. He supposedly asked President Zelensky for help rooting out corruption. For that, President Trump was impeached. If you were to read the transcript of the phone call, which was available online, you would know that a Quid Pro Quo was never discussed.
In the interim period after the phone call, but before the House voted to send Articles of Impeachment to the Senate, President Zelensky stated that he was never under any pressure to do anything for President Trump. Further, at the time of the phone call, President Zelensky was unaware that the military aid from the US was being held up. Also, according to everything I’ve read there was never an investigation into corruption by the Ukrainians and the military aid in question was delivered on time. No Quid Pro Quo.
This is where the selective law enforcement aspect of this example comes into play. During the Obama Administration, the US had agreed to provide $1B in loan guarantees to the government of Ukraine. At the time, Joe Biden was Vice President and was put in charge of dealing with Ukraine by President Obama.
Hunter Biden was, at the time, a board member of Burisma Holdings—a Ukrainian oil and gas company. Even though the younger Biden had no business experience in the oil and gas industry, and knew little or nothing about the country of Ukraine, he was paid a salary of $50K per month. I wonder why a Ukrainian oil and gas company would pay anyone $50K per month who had no experience in the industry? Could it because his last name was Biden?
Victor Shokin was the lead prosecutor who was heading up the investigation into charges of corruption against Burisma Holdings. The owners of the company wanted the investigation to end but were having little success in getting that to happen.
It just so happened that the US had agreed to guarantee $1B in loans to the government of Ukraine. The really stupid part of this entire affair occurred when Joe Biden, on video, bragged about getting Victor Shokin fired. He actually stated on camera that he was leaving Ukraine in six hours. He also stated that if Victor Shokin wasn’t fired by the time he left, Ukraine would not get the billion.
It’s one thing for the US to “interfere “ in the internal affairs of another country. I’m sure that sort of thing happens all the time. It’s quite another to admit, and even brag about this type of interference, on video for the entire world to see. This entire episode can only be described as arrogant and downright stupid on the part of the former Vice President. The really scary part of all this is that this man will probably be the next President of the United States. If this is an example of the judgement of Joe Biden, this country may be in for a rough four years.
The above was an example of a real Quid Pro Quo. Something of value was given to one side, and something of value was received by the other side. Why was Joe Biden not impeached? This was an example of selective law enforcement (i.e., political corruption) at its worst. It is also an example of an extremely biased press which gave very little coverage to the entire affair. This is another example of why our country is going into decline.
Illegal drugs have been a problem in the US for decades. Back in my day, the drugs of choice were grass, acid, and mescaline (peyote). Today our country is being flooded with heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, and fentanyl. The latest numbers that I have seen estimate that we will lose as many as 81,000 people from drug overdoses this year. These deaths are mostly occurring among our young people. These dead Americans would have been the future of this country.
It is now known that the Chinese and the Mexican cartels have joined forces in order to better facilitate the distribution of these drugs in the US. Even though US government agencies are confiscating tons of these illegal drugs every year, there are still significant quantities of this poison making its way through our southern border. Although the media and government give the impression that this flow of narcotics cannot be stopped, I would disagree.
I find it hard to believe that the United States, with the arsenal of assets, both military and otherwise, at its disposal is unable to mount an adequate defense. It has been said many times that the best defense is a good offense.
For example, when Osama Bin Laden attacked NYC on 9/11, we went after Al-Qaeda in Afghanistan and in other areas as well. It took us ten years but we were finally able to track him down and take him out. We literally had to invade Pakistan to kill him and several of his associates. The Pakistani’s were understandably a little miffed about the affair but they got over it.
The US has done just about everything short of kissing the asses of Mexican government officials in an effort to get them to take care of this problem. To date, we have gotten little more than lip service for our trouble. This is likely because—at least in part—many of the Mexican officials that we are dealing with, at both the federal and the local level, are on the payrolls of these cartels. As I mentioned above, we are going to lose roughly 81,000 people to drug overdoses this year. Maybe it’s time to try plan B.
Perhaps it’s time to stop treating this as a law enforcement issue and begin treating it as a threat to national security. With the intelligence capabilities that this country has at its disposal, we should be able pinpoint the locations of their headquarters, their manufacturing facilities, and their avenues of distribution. Once we have that information, we send in whatever assets are necessary and we take them out. We don’t arrest them. We don’t try them in a court of law and we don’t incarcerate them. WE TAKE THEM OUT. If Mexico has a problem with that, they’ll get over it.
To put this problem in perspective, we lost 58,000 Americans during the Vietnam war over a twenty-year period (1955–1975). We are losing that many and more every year to the drug trade. It’s time for the people of this country to say, “enough.” It’s time to make a choice. We either let this carnage continue or we employ a policy of “cowboy diplomacy” and do whatever is necessary in the interest of self-defense. These are our children and our grandchildren. What could be more precious?
Communist China is by far the greatest threat to the United States and our way of life. They are constantly probing our defenses and looking for weaknesses to exploit. These communists are without scruples and nothing is out of bounds. They will lie, cheat, and steal to achieve their goals.
As an example, most Americans are totally unaware that these Chinese Communists use slave labor to manufacture products for well-known American companies. These products are then shipped to the US and purchased unknowingly by US consumers. By buying those products, Americans are supporting the practice of using slave labor. We are also generating wealth for the communists to use to advance their goal of world domination.
Although it is true that the Russians tried to influence our elections with online disinformation, they really don’t have the financial resources that are available to the Chinese. When you compare the resources available to the Communist Chinese, who have a GDP of almost $15T, to that of the Russians who have a GDP of $1.6T, it becomes quite obvious which country is the real threat to the US. For example, it has been reported that the Chinese were one of the sources of funding for the BLM and Antifa riots which occurred over the summer.
The Communist Chinese are attacking us in several different ways. One of those ways, which I touched on above, is by shipping tons of drugs into this country. China is the largest producer of fentanyl in the world. Most of that winds up coming through our southern border. In 2019 alone over 2,000 lbs. of fentanyl were seized by US Customs and Border Patrol Agents. This was enough fentanyl to kill every person in this country. If the Border Patrol was able to confiscate 2,000 pounds of this poison during the year, I wonder how many pounds were able to get through? This is just one of the methods the Chinese are using to bring this country down.
Propaganda is one of the tools the Communist Chinese use to sway the public opinion of other countries in favor of China. One of the ways they accomplish this is to indoctrinate the younger people of other countries to be more accepting of the “benefits” of communism.
To that end, the People’s Republic of China has been opening what are called Confucius Institutes in this country and in other countries as well. The latest information that I have been able to find shows that there are 65 of these Confucius Institutes in colleges and universities around the country. There are also approximately 500 CI classrooms in public schools, grades K-12. These dens of propaganda are not in the best interest of our children and should not be allowed in our public schools.
Under the guise of conveying the teachings of Confucius and the benefit to the world of being on friendly terms with China, these organizations actually attempt, in a very subtle manner, to implant the communist doctrine into the very impressionable minds of our children and young adults. In other words, these organizations are fronts for Communist Party propaganda.
Indoctrinating American children is another method used by the Chinese to attack the beliefs and institutions that have made this country the greatest and most prosperous country on earth. It is their goal to change the political mindset of our society to make communism seem more acceptable. This effort is being pursued not just in the United States but in multiple countries around the world.
The good news is that many of the institutions of higher learning who were targeted by the CCP and allowed these Confucius Institutes into their schools are now becoming aware of this threat and reversing their decisions to allow these organizations onto their campuses.
It has recently been reported that there are approximately two million Chinese Communist Party spies located in countries around the world, including the US. This information was supposedly leaked to the world by people in China who were somehow able to gain access to it.
I can only write about the examples that I’ve read about here in the US. These examples include Chinese operatives who have infiltrated the offices of high-level government officials. Two of these officials are Congressman Eric Swallwell who sits on the House Intelligence Committee, as well as the office of Senator Diane Feinstein. The spy who infiltrated Senator Feinstein’s office was a member of her staff for twenty years. Although I have not come across any information that would suggest that there are other Chinese spies working on the staffs of other government officials, it would be foolish to think that there are not more US public officials whose offices have been infiltrated.
There are notable US politicians and their spouses who are doing business in China. Since many of the businesses in China are either owned or under the control of the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) or the CCP, when you do business in China you are doing business with the CCP.
Here are three prominent examples of American politicians who have been doing business in China for years and have made tens of millions of dollars during that time. Nancy and Paul Pelosi have had business dealings in China for years and are currently worth tens of millions of dollars.
Diane Feinstein and her husband Richard Blum have been doing business in China for roughly 25 years. Although I am not aware of how much of their yearly income is derived from their business dealings in China, or the value of their current net worth, I am sure that both of those numbers are substantial.
Mitch McConnell, the current Majority Leader in the US Senate, and his wife Elaine Chao, the former Secretary of Labor under George W Bush, are in the shipping business and a substantial amount of their business is done with China (i.e., the CCP).
Other Chinese operatives who are working for companies are US government contractors. Some of these contractors who either work on classified projects for the government or do classified research for the government have been infiltrated.
Some of these operatives have been arrested while boarding planes bound for China with valuable classified research in their possession. There have also been American scholars who have received grants to do research for the federal government who have either sold that research to the Chinese or attempted to do so. Those that have been caught have been arrested and prosecuted.
The Chinese have infiltrated our government, society, education system, and political system. They’ve also infiltrated our research facilities, and have hacked into our intelligence community. Unless we take adequate steps to curtail this invasion of our country, we will wake up one morning to find that we are no longer the free democratic society that we once were.
About a year ago we were awakened from our slumber to find this Covid-19 pandemic on our doorstep. We were completely taken by surprise and are now fighting, with everything we have, to bring this nightmare to an end. Whether or not you believe that this virus was a deliberate attack on this country or just an accident, there is one fact that we should not overlook. After seeing what this virus has done to this country, the Chinese now know how to hurt us without firing a shot. They need only return to their lab in Wuhan and develop a more powerful virus and introduce it into our country. If drugs can be smuggled into this country so can a virus. We need to remove our heads from our asses and start taking this threat seriously. We also need to decide if the national security of this country is more important than doing business with China.
As I stated above, the government of China, which is the CCP and the PLA, either own or control many of the businesses that operate in China. It is therefore true that these entities are the recipients of the profits that are being generated by these companies. A portion of those profits are used by the Chinese government to fund their spying operations worldwide and their extensive military. Why would we want to fund the Chinese military and their intelligence service?
The Communist Chinese now have the largest standing army on this planet. They also have the distinction of having the world’s largest navy as well. In addition to the overt threat from their military, they also have a spy network spread around the world that is reportedly 2 million strong. I obviously don’t have exact numbers but common sense should tell us that a substantial number of these Chinese operatives are operating in this country.
The Chinese did not spend trillions of dollars over the last ten or fifteen years building and enhancing these assets just to have them sitting on the shelf. It is the ultimate goal of the CCP to control every square foot of God’s green earth and then to subject its eight billion inhabitants to tyranny.
The worst part is that we know that this is their intent, but still we continue to turn our heads and look the other way. Our political leaders, either legally or illegally, are making money in China. American big business is making money in China. Some of them are stooping to the level of knowingly purchasing products that are made in China with the use of slave labor. Where has our moral compass gone? Has making money become the primary focus of America? Is that now all that matters? What’s next? Are we going to start doing medical research on live human beings? If money continues to be our god, our decline will be all but certain.
I’m going to close this post with a quote from what I believe to be Ronald Reagan’s most iconic speech. It seems to be more relevant now than at any time since he first spoke these words:
“Freedom is never more than a generation away from extinction. We didn’t pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children’s children what it was once like in the United States where men were free.”
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