The Policies and the Lies of Joe Biden: They Are Already Having a Detrimental Effect on the Country

March 18, 2021

Beginning with his first day in office, President Biden has governed mostly by executive fiat. In addition to excluding the input of the elected representatives of the American people, many of these executive orders have been detrimental to the country. This has been the case in the areas of immigration, national security, foreign policy, the economy, the federal budget, and especially the national debt. These policies will slowly but surely devastate our country and leave American citizens with nothing but a fond memory of what was once America’s greatness.

Illegal immigrants from all over the world are overwhelming our southern border. Over the last three months our border patrol has apprehended well in excess of 300,000 illegal immigrants. These people are coming from Iran, Yemen, Nigeria, China, India, and Central America. 

Some of these people are on the terrorist watch list. Others are convicted criminals that have previously been deported back to their own country—some already more than once. Also included in this group are at least 60 members of MS-13. 

Many of these illegals have tested positive for Covid-19. At some border crossings, the positivity rate is as high as 25%. At other border locations, the positivity rate has been reported to be between 10% and 12%. We are talking about thousands of illegals infected with Covid-19 who are being caught and released into the interior of the country. These people have little or no regard for the American citizens with whom they will come in contact and quite possibly infect. It’s anyone’s guess as to how many Americans will become infected and possibly die from being exposed to these super spreaders.

In addition to letting criminals and other illegals who have tested positive for Covid-19 into our country, the Biden administration’s open border policy has made it much easier for cartels to traffic drugs and human beings across our border. The is happening because over half of the border patrol agents who are supposed to be patrolling our border are otherwise occupied caring for the 22,000 or so unaccompanied minors that have been taken into custody. Now that this is the case, many areas of the border are wide open. The drug cartels know this and are taking full advantage of the situation by moving more drugs across the border. With this increase in drug traffic comes an increase in the number of Americans who are dying from drug overdoses. Great job, Mr. President.

Our citizens are at risk, our economic well-being is at risk, and our national security is at risk. What president would advocate for policies that would harm the citizens that he was elected to serve and put the national security of the country at risk? Answer: Joe Biden.

Maybe President Biden should run for president of Central America. He seems to be more concerned with safety and the welfare of its citizens than with the citizens of his own country.

During a recent press conference, Press Secretary Jen Psaki stated that the Biden administration’s approach to immigration was made because it was a more “humane” way of dealing with the “challenge” of illegal immigration.


When President Trump put “kids in cages,” cages that were built by Barack Obama, he was vilified for being cruel and mean-spirited. Now that President Biden is putting kids in these exact same cages and packing them in like sardines, it is being called “more humane.” Just to be perfectly clear, it was the liberal mainstream media who vilified Trump for putting kids in cages. Where is the media’s outrage now?

Our country is currently spending $60M per week in an attempt to deal with Joe Biden’s self-inflicted crisis at our southern border. As taxpayers, we are being forced to pay for their housing and sustenance, their medical care, and their children’s education. Perhaps we should give them spending money too. How many billions will this ill-conceived border policy cost the American public? When you consider that we are almost $28T in debt, one has to wonder when, and if, this madness will ever end. 

In addition to his disastrous immigration policy, the president’s handling of the nation’s economy and finances leaves much to be desired. For example, on his first day in office, Mr. Biden signed executive orders that eliminated, or will eliminate, over 150,000 high-paying construction jobs and oil worker jobs. These would include roughly 30,000 construction jobs for people who were working on the Keystone XL Pipeline as well as the jobs of those who were working on the border wall. 

The president also stopped issuing new oil leases on federal lands. Those who are currently employed recovering oil from leased federal lands will not lose their jobs immediately. However, as the leases on these properties run out of oil or the leases on these lands expire, those high-paying oil worker jobs will end. Texas, New Mexico, and Wyoming stand to lose roughly 120,000 high-paying jobs. 

What kind of president eliminates, with a stroke of his pen, 150,000 high-paying jobs in a down economy? What kind of president puts his political agenda above the needs of the American people? Answer: Joe Biden.

When Joe Biden took over the presidency from Donald Trump the country was $27T in debt. Since then, he has gotten Congress to pass and he has signed a $1.9T Covid-19 relief package. To the best of my knowledge, not one thin dime of this expense is paid for. It was deemed urgent and necessary by Mr. Biden even though only 9% of this money will be spent on Covid relief. There was also $1T of Covid relief money that was left unspent from previous Covid relief legislation. Given these two facts it would appear that this $1.9T Covid-Relief bill was neither necessary nor urgent.

During the 2020 presidential campaign, candidate Biden proposed additional government spending of $11T over the next ten years. This was coupled with a proposed tax increase of $3.6T over the same ten-year period. If this spending package were to become law, Congress would need to increase our national debt by an additional $7.4T over this ten-year period. When added to the pre-pandemic deficits of $1T per year (which I expect will continue), the $1.9T Covid relief package, and the additional interest expense on the debt, I estimate that our national debt will balloon to approximately $50T by the end of FY 2030.

The $3.6T tax increase proposed by President Biden will take money out of the hands of consumers—thus lowering consumer spending. When you consider that two-thirds of all private sector spending in this country comes from consumers, taking money out of the hands of those consumers will result in lower consumer spending, lower economic growth, and less jobs.  

The other new taxes being discussed would be based on consumption. These taxes would include an increase in the per gallon tax on gasoline and heating oil and also on every kilowatt hour of electricity consumed. There have also been discussions about imposing a mileage tax on every mile driven in this country. These taxes would increase the cost of commuting, of heating your home, and of your monthly electric bill.  

These taxes will be regressive in nature—meaning that they will have a more significant effect on families in the lower income brackets. These would negate Joe Biden’s promise to not raise taxes “by one red cent” on anyone making less than $400K per year.


President Biden is also in favor of raising the corporate income tax rate from 21% to 28%. Part of this tax increase would fall on the backs of consumers in the form of higher prices. This would have a negative effect on consumer spending. The good news regarding this issue is that Democrat Senator Joe Manchin of West Virginia has said that he will not vote to increase the corporate increase to 28%. The loss of Senator Manchin’s vote in the Senate means that this tax increase cannot be passed even by way of budget reconciliation, which would require only a 51-vote majority instead of 60. He is, however, open to raising that tax up to 25%.

According to a recent study conducted by the National Association of Manufacturers, these taxes, if approved, would cost an estimated one million jobs in just the first two years. Given the source, I would be willing to bet that a good many of those job losses would be high-paying manufacturing jobs. The study also concluded that job losses would average 600K per year or a total of six million jobs over a ten-year period. As I have stated numerous times in this blog, less jobs will result in less economic growth and less government revenue. This would result in higher yearly deficits and a higher national debt.

These tax increases will make the US less competitive with other manufacturing countries around the globe. Our largest competitors are India and China. We should be looking for ways to cut government spending and lower yearly deficits rather than increasing taxes by hundreds of billions of dollars per year. We are living beyond our means and it will eventually lead to our undoing. As great as America is, even we can’t make two plus two equal six.

Part of the $11T in new spending proposed by President Biden is supposedly targeted towards replacing and improving our nation’s infrastructure. Historically, the term “infrastructure” has meant roads, bridges, airports, seaports, and water and sewer projects. In today’s world, I don’t think there would be too many objections if we were to include broadband under that heading. 

That said, the Democrats, who are always looking to squander as much taxpayer money as possible, have expanded the definition of infrastructure to include such items as affordable green housing, free community college, and free child care so that mothers can go to work. It would also include care for the elderly, research and development for American manufacturing, and job training. It’s all very simple for Democrats. If they want to spend money on a new entitlement program, they just expand the definition of infrastructure and include it in an infrastructure spending bill.

Everybody in this country who is capable of understanding the English language knows that the items in the last paragraph are not infrastructure. Pelosi, Schumer, and the Democrat Party as a whole are lying to you. They make this stuff up as they go along. They are so blatantly dishonest that they are able to spew these lies with a straight face. They are able to get away with their dishonesty because they are backed up by the mainstream press. As I have also said many times in the past, in their minds, “The ends always justify the means.” If this sounds familiar, it should. Communists have been known to say the exact same thing. 

Some of this new infrastructure will be of the green variety. It is my understanding that one of the items on this infrastructure agenda is that the new roads that will be included in this bill will be able to capture the sun’s rays and convert them into electricity. I don’t have a lot of details on how this process will work, or whether or not it will work, but it is one of the green ideas that I have read about. 

While I’m on the subject I would like to make my position on green energy crystal clear. I have absolutely no problem with green energy as long as it is plentiful enough to meet our needs as a country and cost-effective. Cost-effective to me means the ultimate cost to the consumer would be equal to, or less than, the cost that we are currently paying for energy. It would also mean that it will not be necessary for the government to subsidize this product in any way, shape, or form so as to make it affordable to the American public. If it is necessary for the government to subsidize this new alternative green energy, then it is not cost-effective.

One of the other topics regarding the Biden presidency is the question of his mental fitness to fulfill the duties and responsibilities of the presidency and his credibility with the American people.

It has been common knowledge for some time that Joe Biden is prone to committing serious gaffes. It was, in fact, so widely known that people in the press have for years referred to him as a “gaffe machine.” Let me just say everyone is guilty of committing an occasional gaffe from time to time. However, in the case of Joe Biden, these gaffes seem to have become more frequent and more worrisome of late.

In one of his more famous verbal miscues, Joe Biden, when referring to former President Barack Obama said, “I mean you’ve got the first sort of mainstream African American who is articulate, bright, and clean. That’s textbook, man.” 

Can you imagine the absolute uproar in the country if Donald Trump or Mike Pence or any other Republican had made that comment? They would have been burned at the stake. For Joe Biden to make such a statement shows that he may be clean, but he is neither bright nor articulate.

In another one of his more famous gaffes, which occurred during an interview with Charlamagne Tha God, Joe Biden made the statement, “I’m telling you if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” If that statement isn’t taking the black vote for granted then I don’t know what is. The tragedy here is that even with gaffes such as these, Joe Biden still got 85% of the black vote. This is due, at least in part, to the liberal mainstream media burying this story—and many others that portrayed Joe Biden in a negative light. The other was black politicians like James Clyburn selling out their own people by supporting Joe Biden, who has been anti-black for most of his political career.

Gaffes like this have been coming out of the mouth of Joe Biden for decades. It is only now that he has become president that the consequences of these verbal miscues could become more serious. Although funny, these gaffes could someday result in a foreign policy nightmare with one of our allies or, even worse, with one of our adversaries. 


It is my opinion that there is a strong argument to be made that President Biden is mentally less than 100%. Whether he is 90%, 80%, or less is irrelevant. The job of the President of the United States demands someone who is mentally 100% at all times. Anything less is a national security risk and that is totally unacceptable. 

What makes this situation even more egregious is that, in spite of the best efforts of the mainstream media to hide this from the American public, it has gotten out and America is now well-aware of the President’s diminished mental acuity. More importantly, members of his campaign staff, and now his Whitehouse staff, must have been aware of the President’s mental shortcomings but made the decision to keep that knowledge under wraps. This was done for the sole purpose of winning an election and attaining power—the consequences to the country be damned. There was not so much as a single thought given as to what would happen if a diplomatic crisis or, even worse, a military conflict were to occur with a President whose mental fitness to serve was less than 100%.

The decision to keep President Biden out of the public eye during the campaign, and now during his time in office, was not because of Covid-19. I think anyone who no longer believes in the Easter bunny would agree with that. It was made to minimize the possibility of President Biden making a serious gaffe or making some nonsensical incoherent remark in front of the public. This is being done even though the American public, the mainstream press, and our enemies and allies alike, are well-aware of our President’s mental deficiencies. The question now being asked by both our allies and enemies alike is this: Just how vulnerable is the US under the leadership of President Joe Biden?

An example of the type of leadership we can expect from the Biden administration occurred just last month. A meeting between Secretary of State Tony Blinken, National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan, and their Chinese counterparts took place in Anchorage, Alaska. The Chinese came loaded for bear. They seemed to be confident that the negotiators from the Biden administration were not nearly as competent or as tough as the Trump negotiators. They were rude, arrogant, and downright hostile towards the American representatives. It is my belief that this behavior did not happen on the spur of the moment. It was planned in advance. The Chinese acted in this manner because they knew that they could get away with embarrassing the Americans with little or no response. 

Another example of disrespect to our President came in the aftermath of a comment made by President Biden which was aimed at President Putin of Russia. President Biden’s comment was unprovoked and totally uncalled for: during an interview with George Stephanopoulos, President Biden referred to President Putin as a “killer.”

I don’t believe that there are too many people who would argue the point that Vladimir Putin is a killer. After all, he is a former KGB operative so the possibility certainly exists that he may have killed people at some time during his career. That said, sometimes statements such as this are better left unsaid in public.

Mr. Putin was so upset by President Biden’s comment that he immediately recalled the Russian Ambassador to the United States. Mr. Putin then challenged President Biden to a live debate about the issue and probably other issues as well. I have not seen any information as to whether President Biden even responded to President Putin’s challenge. My guess is that he did not. This was most likely the correct move for our President as he and his staff both know that Vladimir Putin would have wiped the floor with Joe Biden. The result would have been an embarrassed Joe Biden.


I was unable to find much information about what our allies think of our new President. I very much doubt that any negative opinions that they have regarding the President will ever be made public. I will share this one observation. They have seen the same gaffes and miscues that we have all seen. They saw candidate Biden hiding in his basement during the campaign and they now see our President being kept out of the public eye by his handlers. They have more than likely come to the same conclusion that many Americans have. That conclusion is that our President is less than 100%.

There was an episode that I believe occurred in March of 2021 when a live feed to the press was cut, almost mid-sentence, during a news conference. When the President had finished his remarks, he asked his staff if he was supposed to take questions. Evidently, the answer was no because his handlers immediately cut off the live feed to the press. I’m sure that episodes such as the one I just described weigh heavy on the minds of our allies.

We may already be at the beginning of a foreign policy “disagreement” with the Russians. There is the possibility that this diplomatic “disagreement” could become a military confrontation. Vladimir Putin has just recently warned the United States to stay out of the Black Sea and away from the Crimean Peninsula “for its own good.” There are at least two US warships currently cruising in the Black Sea. Whether a military confrontation will be the result is anyone’s guess, but the possibility now exists for exactly that to happen.

The buildup of Russian forces on the Ukrainian border with Russia may be just the spark that’s needed to ignite the fuse. Sending the Ukrainians Javelin anti-tank missiles is one thing, but directly confronting Russian troops with American forces is quite another.

The possibility also exists for a military confrontation with our most formidable adversary, the Communist Chinese. It is my opinion that at some time within the next two years the US will be forced to confront Chinese military.

The Chinese have been attacking the US in a nonmilitary manner for years. They have stolen intellectual property from US companies and continue to do so. In response, we do little or nothing. Not only has our government done nothing, the US companies who have located facilities in China and are victims of this theft also do nothing. The Chinese government has hacked into the computer systems of American companies here in the US, and, here again, we have done nothing. They have even hacked into US government agencies—as usual, we did nothing.

Beijing has tried to influence our elections. They have given money to proxies here in the US to donate to political candidates who are sympathetic to the government of Communist China. I believe that it is illegal for candidates or political parties to accept money from foreign nationals or foreign governments, which is why this is done through proxies.

It is the goal of the Chinese government to become the world’s preeminent economic power and military power, displacing the US in both areas. To this end, China currently has the world’s largest standing army and, in terms of the number of ships, the world’s largest navy.  

The Chinese consider a large part of the South China Sea and its surrounding countries to be part of its sovereign territory. These countries would include Malaysia, Indonesia, Vietnam, the Philippines, and especially Taiwan. The Chinese military has repeatedly harassed and tried to intimidate these countries in an effort to exert at least some control over the area.

The Chinese Coast Guard has harassed Vietnamese support vessels engaged in resupplying a Vietnamese oil rig which was located off the southern coast of Vietnam, Vietnamese fishing boats that were operating in open waters, and a Malaysian oil rig operating off the coast of its own country. These methods of intimidation are being used by the Chinese to expand their influence in the area and eventually annex this territory and put it under Chinese control. The use of these tactics by the Chinese have made it necessary for these countries to band together and push back diplomatically. These tactics are a means to an end which is to force these countries to “fall into line” and accept Chinese rule over the entire area of the South China Sea.

These episodes of harassment and intimidation will most likely increase in number and become more serious. Eventually, the Chinese will sink a foreign vessel or kill a foreign national of one of these countries. If this happens to a country with a defense agreement with the US, a military confrontation could result. It is my belief that the longer these tactics of intimidation continue, the more aggressive the Chinese military will become. At some point, the Chinese will cross the line between intimidation and harassment and military conflict. It is then that the US and its allies will have to step in.

The Russians are trying to expand its influence in Eastern Europe by diminishing that of the US. It would also like to expand Russian control over territory that borders Russia. In fact, Russia would like nothing more than to regain control over all of the Eastern Bloc countries of the former Soviet Union. The problem is that some of these countries are now NATO allies. That being the case, the US and its NATO allies are sworn to defend member countries whenever they are threatened militarily by an adversary. The NATO creed is “an attack on one is an attack on all.” This situation is another possible crisis that President Biden may eventually have to deal with. 

In 2014, the Russian government annexed the Crimean Peninsula. Currently, the Russians are involved in a military standoff at their border with Ukraine. At that time, Barack Obama, in what he considered an adequate response to this threat, sent military aid to Ukraine in the form of blankets and “meals ready to eat” (MREs). WOW, thanks a lot. 

President Trump, on the other hand, sent military aid in the form of Javelin anti-tank missiles. Since then the Ukrainians have been able to hold their own against the Russians. Just exactly how the Ukrainians would fare against an all-out assault by the Russian military remains to be seen. The big question mark here is whether the Biden administration will continue to support Ukraine with military aid.


There are two other areas of concern that Joe Biden will be forced to deal with. The first is the country of Iran. Donald Trump dealt with this issue in a very no-nonsense sort of way. At the time, everybody on the planet knew that Iran was cheating on the Iran Nuclear Deal. Trump asked only that the Iranians get back into compliance with the terms of the agreement. When they refused this olive branch, President Trump imposed crippling economic sanctions on that country. Those sanctions are still in force today and have made life in Iran exceedly difficult ever since.

It would appear that the Biden administration is going to revert back to the original deal, the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA). This is basically the same deal that was negotiated by John Kerry during the Obama administration. The Iranians cheated on that deal and I see no reason why they won’t cheat on this deal.

The country of North Korea, on the other hand, engaged with President Trump and for the most part has ceased testing nuclear weapons and long-range missiles. At that time, President Trump was unable to convince Chairman Kim that it was in the best interest of his people and his country as a whole to disarm his nuclear weapons. President Trump was, however, able to open a dialogue between our two countries and build a somewhat cordial relationship with the North Korean dictator. This was not the optimum solution that the free world was looking for, but together the two leaders were able to open a friendly relationship which, to the best of my knowledge, is still in place today. It is now up to President Biden to move forward with that dialogue—or at least to not derail it.

In a previous post I wrote that the US was in the early stages of decline. This decline is ongoing and it is accelerating. The warning signs are there for all to see.

Our major cities have become war zones. Most categories of violent crime are up. These would include murders, shootings, rapes, assaults, and robberies. In many of these cities the crime rate is up by over 200%. This is what happens when police are not allowed to do their jobs and police budgets are cut.

Many people are moving out of these cities, preferring to live in safer neighborhoods. As this trend continues, apartments will become empty and real estate prices will fall. As real estate prices fall, real estate taxes will also decline. 

These cities will face other tax revenue problems as well. The new trend of working from home will have a significant negative effect on sales tax revenue in our major cities. If people stop commuting there will be less money spent in these major cities. Less money spent means less sales tax revenue. The other revenue loss will be in the area of payroll taxes. If people are working from home and are no longer working in their offices, there will be a much lower amount of income tax paid to these cities. With the loss of all this revenue how will these cities be able to provide essential services?  

The US was $27T in debt when Donald Trump left office. I estimate that our national debt will reach the unheard level of $50T by the end of FY 2030. It would appear that our political leadership on both sides of the aisle lack the courage and the will to even think about implementing any semblance of fiscal restraint.

The Bank of International Settlements, which is located in Switzerland, serves as the central bank for the central banks of 62 countries around the globe. According to that bank, which serves as the clearing house for member banks, when the debt-to-GDP ratio of a country reaches the level of 85% that country will begin to experience lower economic growth. The current level of debt to GDP ratio in the US has reached 136%. Based on their study, the US should expect lower economic growth for the foreseeable future. Lower growth will result in less available jobs here in the US.

The question that I have been trying to answer is at what point the US will become financially unviable. The answer that I have come up with is not a specific number but rather that at some point in the future the US will be unable to pay the interest on its debt. When that point is reached, the country will default on its debt and will become financially unviable. The reason this is so critical is that bankrupt countries are unable to defend themselves. You are free to draw your own conclusions as to what would happen next.


Another reason why I think our country is in decline is that our children are being brainwashed in our schools. This holds true in both public and private schools. They are being taught about the “benefits” of socialism and how it is a much more “equitable” economic system than capitalism. What advocates of socialism fail to mention is that capitalism has lifted more people out of poverty than any other system of economics in history. What these radical left-wing propagandists also fail to mention is that the most famous socialists of all time—Mao ZeDong, Joseph Stalin, and lest we forget, Adolf Hitler (yes, he was a socialist too)—were responsible for the deaths of at least 100 million people. Is that the kind of economic dream that America should emulate?

Our children are also being taught to hate their country. Here again, they are being brainwashed with left-wing propaganda and this nonsense of Critical Race Theory, which does nothing but divide the people of this country and poison the minds of our youth. These lies and propaganda could cause serious consequences for this country down the road. For example, the children of today will be the soldiers of tomorrow. What happens if our young people grow up hating their country and refuse to enter the military in time of need? The answer should be obvious to all. The country will be taken over. End of story. The time may come when the US has neither the funds nor the personnel to defend itself. If this scenario were to become a reality, think of the future that your descendants will have to live with. 

President Biden and his entire administration have been lying to the American public since the day they came to power. Jen Psaki said that it was the goal of the Biden administration to be the most transparent administration in US history, but they are not.

Secretary Mayorkas, as well as other members of this administration, has stated that “the border is closed.” But it is not. Mayorkas has also stated that there is no crisis at the southern border. If you believe your eyes, we all know that there is a crisis at the southern border.

President Biden has stated that he is a devout Roman Catholic. Nancy Pelosi has made the same statement. Both are pro-choice, which is the same as saying that they are pro-abortion. This position is in direct conflict with the doctrine of the Catholic Church. They are both liars and hypocrites. In addition, HHS Secretary Becerra has just reversed the Trump “Protect Life Rule” which made it more difficult for abortion clinics such as Planned Parenthood to perform abortions. President Biden did not stop this from happening, so it must have been done with his approval. Again, he is a hypocrite.

President Biden stated that he wanted to unify the country and work together with Republicans. Talk is cheap, Mr. President. As of April 9th, 2021, President Biden, the great unifier, has signed a total of 61 executive orders. He also signed into law the $1.9T Covid relief bill, most of which had very little to do with Covid relief and was totally unpaid for. It passed Congress with no Republican votes. How’s that for unification?

Pelosi and Schumer have said that they have a mandate to govern from the American people. They have a three-vote margin in the House and 50/50 split in the Senate. I would hardly call that a mandate. 

For those of you who are familiar with the Book of Revelations there is contained within that book the story of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse. Today in our government we have the modern-day version of the Four Horsemen. They are Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and Schumer. 

As I understand it, the Four Horsemen were given the power to destroy the earth and its inhabitants. By the same token, the modern version of these Four Horsemen has the power to destroy America as we know it. They need only stack the Supreme Court and their control of our federal government will be complete. This control would eventually morph into an authoritarian government with one-party rule. Some of you who are reading this are of the opinion that this could never happen here in the US. I am reminded of an old saying whose origin I am unable to recall. It may give you cause to rethink that opinion: “Absolute power corrupts, absolutely.” 

Under one-party rule, Congress could pass laws limiting our constitutional freedoms and the President would sign them. If those laws were challenged in court, the Supreme Court could rule them to be constitutional. Our first amendment rights could be eliminated. They could redefine what constitutes free speech, freedom of the press, and whether we have the right to practice our religion freely.

Think about how different America would be without those freedoms. Think about losing your constitutional right to own a licensed firearm to protect your home and your family. Finally, think how you would feel if armed police barged into your home, without a warrant, and began rummaging through your belongings. This is the type of power that these Four Horsemen are an eyelash away from attaining.

The election of 2020 didn’t turn out the way it did because we were taken over by another country. It didn’t turn out that way because of a military coup. The election results happened because 77 million people voted for Democrat candidates. Many of the people who voted that way did so because they were ignorant of the issues and facts. I made reference to these people above as the ignorant masses. In the day of Lenin and Trotsky they were called “useful idiots.” They are the same people. They just have a different name.

The reason that many of these people voted the way they did was because they were fed a constant diet of BS and propaganda by the left-wing media. Big Tech companies also played a role by suppressing news stories that were unflattering to the Biden campaign such as the Biden family’s business dealings with Chinese companies, which are owned by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) or the People’s Liberation Army. Isn’t it strange that even today the media never mentions the Biden family’s ties to the CCP? 

We are losing our country. Our laws, our history, and our traditions are all being undermined by Antifa and BLM Marxists thugs. Riots are taking place in our major cities. There is looting, arson, attacks on police and on average citizens. These Marxists are supported by throngs of useful idiots, many of whom are ignorant of why they are even rioting. They are followers and weak-minded people who are easily led and controlled. Our elected officials lie to us on a daily basis. They are able to get away with this dishonesty because of the propaganda that is broadcast by the left-wing media every day. These same elected officials squander our hard-earned tax dollars on government giveaways. As if that wasn’t bad enough, our Federal Reserve prints money and loans it to the Treasury Department where it is then appropriated by Congress and squandered as well.

It is my belief that, for the reasons discussed above, this country will continue to decline. Respect for the law and order is diminishing almost daily. Police are retiring, moving to municipalities whose citizens have respect for the law, or leaving the field of law enforcement altogether. In some municipalities the number of professionals who are leaving is up 75% year over year.

In addition, hundreds of thousands of low-skilled, poorly educated illegal immigrants are being allowed to enter our country. Many of these people will have to be supported by the American taxpayer. An even worse scenario is that these illegals will obtain employment “under the table” and not pay income taxes—and still get government support in the form of living expenses and free medical care.

Finally, there is the issue of out of control government spending. This practice will eventually lead the country into financial ruin. The yearly deficits will continue to grow as will our national debt. The Federal Reserve will continue to print trillions of dollars and loan that money to the US Treasury. The more trillions that are printed the less valuable our dollar will be and the more expensive the products we use will become. At some point the dollar will collapse and will cease to be the world’s reserve currency. If and when that happens everything we import, which is a lot, will increase in price. The country will then be in a period of hyperinflation which will devastate the US economy and, more than likely, the world economy as well. What a sad ending to what was once the greatest country in the world.

If you enjoyed the read please pass it on to a friend.

Domenica Amato