Systematic Racism and Genocide against the African American Community: Does It Really Exist? (Part Two)
August 5, 2020
It is my understanding that the mission of Black Lives Matter (BLM) is to save black lives. That goal was supposedly the impetus for the protests that have taken place over the last two and a half months. These protests began because two black men, George Floyd and Rayshard Brooks, were unjustly killed by white police officers. Although these protests began in response to the two killings, they have now morphed into a movement to transform the political and economic systems of this country.
The demands now being put forth by BLM and their hordes are nothing more than the usual left-wing socialist wish list. The protests against police brutality, although justified in these two cases, were nothing more than a smoke screen for the real motives of the protests.
The actual motives behind these protests are to transform our democratic republic to some form of authoritarian one-party rule type of government. It is also their desire to change our economic system from the very successful capitalist system we currently enjoy to some socialist/communist system where all the decisions regarding the economy are made by the government. This type of system has been tried time and time again over the last hundred years and has never been successful. To put it in terms of a batting average, they are batting zero.
One of the demands of BLM is the elimination of the nuclear family. Parents will no longer be responsible for raising their own children. All children will be given over to a group in the local collective to be reared, educated, and indoctrinated. The indoctrination of children will be similar to the brainwashing that our children receive in public school today, but it will be more intense. The size of the classes will be smaller with students coming from a smaller, more local area. The biological parents will have less say in the decision-making process regarding how their children are raised. What a brave new world. I can hardly wait.
Another demand of the BLM movement is that all police departments should be defunded or dismantled. Further, all prisons and detention centers will be closed down. It is already the policy in several cities across the country to eliminate cash bail for those arrested for non-violent offenses. These nonviolent offenses would include manslaughter, assault, burglary, arson, and various sundry hate crimes and other offenses. If the idea of eliminating cash bail is to increase violent crime, this new policy of releasing criminals back onto the street will be an overwhelming success.
We all knew that eventually this conversation would get around to money. This is just another thinly veiled attempt to transfer wealth from people who have worked for it to people who have not. One way BLM wants to accomplish this is by restructuring the tax codes at the federal, state, and local levels of government. BLM is evidently not aware that this is already being done by our elected governments at the federal and state and local levels that impose personal income taxes on their citizens.
I wonder if this plan to redistribute wealth will apply to Oprah Winfrey, Michael Jordan, Robert Johnson, and the hundreds of thousands of other very successful black Americans who have thrived financially in this country.
BLM is also demanding reparations be paid to the descendants of slaves. The only requirement that I am aware of to be eligible for these reparations is the ability to trace your heritage back to an ancestor who was a slave. The amount of reparations being asked for varies depending on who you talk to. Robert Johnson, mentioned above, estimates that $14 trillion would be a sufficient amount of money to cover the damages. Other estimates have been much higher. I have a problem with the idea of the government using my tax dollars to pay damages for offenses that neither I, my children, nor any of the generations that will follow had anything to do with. My ancestors didn’t even come to this country until the early 1900s. By then slavery had ended.
There are many other people who came to the US after WW1 and others still who came here after WW2 and others even later than that. Why should these people be penalized by being forced to pay for the mistakes of people who lived centuries ago and who are now long dead?
The other demands are not only laughable, but in some cases would actually do more harm to the black community than good. Here are a few examples of the demands of the BLM movement. First on the list is universal basic income for black people. In addition, we have the usual Uncle Bernie bribes and giveaways that he uses to buy votes. These would include free universal healthcare, free school, free food, free real estate, and my personal favorite, free gender reassignment surgery. Also included are free abortions (I guess these unborn black lives don’t matter). As I mentioned above BLM wants all jails closed. This would mean that murderers and other violent offenders would be released back into society. This would include the black community as well, which would mean that crime in those communities would increase to a level never even imagined in this country. Just how are these policies supposed to help the black community?
These protesters are a very vocal and, in some cases, a very violent minority. This minority wants to change our society, our form of government, and our economic system. Whatever policies they wish to impose on the citizens of this country are irrelevant. The fact is that they are just a minority, which means that they have no right to change anything. The only reason these rioters, looters, and anarchists are able to continue this civil unrest and destructive behavior is because those who were elected to govern these cities are actually condoning this behavior by ordering their police departments to stand down. In some cities, elected officials have actually gone to the protests and stood with the protesters. Can you believe that elected officials who are currently in office—such as Bill DeBlasio of New York City, Ted Wheeler of Portland, and Jenny Durkin of Seattle—are giving support and credibility to these violent anarchists?
I read an article this morning about an attempt by the people of Seattle to recall Jenny Durkin from her job as mayor. What makes this story so unbelievable is that instead of recalling her for being totally inept in the performance of her duty as mayor, she is being recalled because she was unable to stop federal law enforcement from using tear gas against the protesters. Is that crazy or what? If it were not for the fact that the lives of the people that she is sworn to protect were at risk, this story would be hilarious.
It’s not just the mayors that are being derelict in their duties but the city council members as well. In some cases, the governors of the states where these cities are located are also not protecting the lives and property of their citizens. Not only should these incompetent public servants be kicked out of office in disgrace, they should also be sued for damages. These orders for police to stand down would never have been given if these protests or riots (depending on your point of view) were happening because of any other reason. Shootings and deaths in these cities are up compared to the same period last year. The anarchy and the deaths that have occurred, mostly in the black community, are on the heads of these elected officials—and also on the heads of BLM and Antifa who organized these riots.
Make no mistake: these murders will continue as long as local law enforcement is forced to stand down. Not only will this violence and destruction continue, it will escalate as the rioters and the local thugs become more emboldened. Another factor that will cause the level of violent crime to escalate in these communities is the reduction or elimination of police budgets in our major cities.
If you listen to the rhetoric and the demands that are being put forth by the protesters it becomes clear that these protests are more about socialism than black lives. In addition to the hundreds of black lives that have been lost nationwide during these riots, there were also hundreds of businesses, many of which were black-owned, that were broken into, looted, and firebombed. How does this help the black community? Is this the goal of BLM? With friends like this, who needs enemies?
Mayor Bill de Blasio, third from left, participates in painting Black Lives Matter on Fifth Avenue in front of Trump Tower, Thursday, July 9, 2020, in New York. The mayor's wife, Chirlane McCray, is fourth from left and Rev. Al Sharpton is second from left. (AP Photo/Mark Lennihan)
These major cities will also suffer financially. Many of the businesses that were destroyed during the “peaceful riots” will most likely not reopen. This will not only have a negative effect on sales tax revenue, it will result in a substantial number of people losing their jobs. Since many major cities impose an income tax on those that are employed in their city, there will be a significant drop in the amount of revenue derived from income tax.
There is another more significant loss of revenue that these big cities may have to contend with: people who rent or own apartments or condos have begun what may turn into a mass exodus from our major cities. I recently read an article about two moving companies who operate in the New York City area. These companies are reportedly overwhelmed with requests to move families out of the city. There are literally dozens of moving companies that operate in the metropolitan area—and it would not be a stretch to assume that they are all becoming very busy. Another relevant factor is that moving companies always try to pick up a load on the way back to their home base so as not to go back with an empty truck. According to the article only about 30% of the trucks returning to the city have return loads. The obvious conclusion is that many more people are leaving the city than are moving into it. Another conclusion is that the longer this exodus goes on the more significant the damage will be to the residential real estate market in New York City.
If the information regarding people and families moving out of the city is true, it’s bad news for the real estate markets in our major cities. If the number of vacant apartments continues to increase over an extended period of time, the bottom may fall out of the residential real estate market. The commercial real estate market could also be at risk. If the bottom does fall out of the real estate markets in our major cities, lower property assessments will be the result. If the property tax assessments are reduced, real estate tax revenue will also be reduced. This, along with reduced sales tax and income tax revenue, would devastate these large cities. Where would the revenue come from to pay for essential services such as water and sewer, snow removal, road repairs, and schools? Since the police departments may be defunded anyway, we may not even have to worry about that.
The picture that I’ve painted regarding the future of our major cities is bleak. Never in my life time have I seen rioting, looting, and anarchy to such an extent. What’s worse is that I’ve never seen such lawless behavior go unchallenged. When elected officials actually take the side of the criminals and not only condone their behavior, but actually restrain the police from putting a stop to it, it just may be the right time to pack up and move your family to a safer neighborhood.
If businesses close and move out and relocate to other places where law and order is the norm these cities will wither and go broke. If the residents of these cities move out because it is not safe for them to walk the streets, these cities will become ghost towns. We have all seen video tape of the streets of New York as recently as six months ago. The streets of Manhattan, for example, were filled with thousands of people going to and from work. The stores were filled with shoppers spending money. Those same streets today are virtually empty. It is true that this new reality began because of Covid-19. However, that is not the reason why people are now moving out. The streets of New York have become unsafe. We have had to contend with viruses before, and yet people still continued to live and work in these cities. They are, however, not willing to risk life and limb or pay exorbitant rent and taxes for the honor and privilege of living in neighborhoods that are unsafe.
That said, I do see a small ray of hope at the end of the tunnel. There is a possibility that those who live in these cities may end up better than what current circumstances would suggest. It is my feeling, and it is just a feeling, that the residents of these cities, black and white alike, are fed up with this Wild West, shoot-em-up at the OK corral behavior. This behavior is not only being condoned by liberal left-wing administrations, it is also being supported by elected government officials that are currently running our major cities.
While delivering a speech in front of a historically Democrat voting bloc, a well-known politician asked for their vote and ended by asking this question: “What do you have to lose?” The question is as relevant in our major cities today as it was then. The schools are atrocious, the streets are unsafe, and your children are being shot. What more will it take for the citizens of our inner cities to stand up and vote for change? As I see it, that is the only way that life will improve in these neighborhoods.
There used to be a saying in Brooklyn, NY. It was simply, “Throw da bums out.” I think it’s time to “Throw da bums out.” As that well-known politician asked, “What do you have to lose?”
In part one of this post I discussed several reasons why systemic racism has all but disappeared from our country. Although vestiges of this problem still remain in our society, it has basically become a non-issue. I also made mention of several different vocations where millions of African Americans have enjoyed very successful careers in America. In my opinion this success would not have been possible in a racist society.
Here in part two I have discussed some of the real motives behind the Antifa and BLM “protests,” as they are not what the media has led you to believe.