President Joseph R. Biden: The Greatest Gift Democrats Could Ever Give to the Republican Party
May 5, 2022
We are now sixteen months into the Biden Presidency. With the exception of Joe Biden himself, his wife, his handlers who are actually running the country, and the far-left political zealots, there are not a lot of people who are overly enthused with Old Joe’s leadership. Depending on which poll you look at, his approval numbers range anywhere between 28% and 44%. To make matters worse, these numbers are trending down. His disapproval numbers are hovering around 57%. These are not great numbers for any president – let alone a president who is considering seeking another term.
Since Joe has taken office, “Bidenflation” and the price of energy have become the top two political issues in the country. This is especially so for low-income and lower middle-class income families across the country. Political affiliation has no bearing on one's opinion. If you are a consumer of energy and you need to put a roof over your head and feed your family, politics doesn’t enter into your thought process.
The latest numbers reported by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) show that the level of “Bidenflation,” year over year ending April 30, 2022, currently stands at 8.6%. This means that almost every product we purchase in the grocery store or in other retail outlets has increased in price. In some cases, these increases have been as high as 30% or more.
As if these people were not already struggling to make ends meet, “America’s Savior,” the infallible President Brandon, felt as though he had to show the American people that he was the president and that he was going to take decisive action and “do something” to save the country. It didn’t matter to him that the economy was already well on its way to recovery. It didn’t matter that further stimulus, especially an amount as large as $1.9T, was not only unnecessary but could actually do more harm than good. It was up to him, as the president, to act.
He therefore trudged forward like a bull coming out of the chute at a rodeo and signed the $1.9T American Rescue Plan into law. This socialist monstrosity resulted in an additional $1.9T of cash being flooded into an economy that was already bloated with cash. This cash created a significant amount of additional demand for goods and services, which were not available in sufficient quantities to meet that additional demand. When the supply of goods and services in the marketplace are insufficient to meet the demand, the price goes up. This is inflation. It’s just that simple.
In November 2021, the bumbling buffoon in chief was able to pass the $1T infrastructure package on a bipartisan basis. Although it will further increase the amount of cash in the economy, as did the $1.9T American Rescue Plan, the country will at least get something tangible in return for its money.
This money will be spent to upgrade and expand our roads, bridges, and railroads. In addition, it will provide funds to modernize and expand our airports and seaports across the country. This money will also be used to overhaul and/or replace the water and sewer systems in our major cities. I am not particularly pleased with the additional amount of debt that the country will incur. I am, however, at least somewhat happy that the taxpayers will receive tangible assets in return for their money instead of a boatload of canceled checks from a slew of new entitlements.
There is also the matter of the federal budgets for FY 2022 and beyond. The budget for FY 2022 is reported to be $6.1T of which $1.8T is borrowed. According to the Government Accounting Office (GAO), the level of our debt is growing faster than our economy. Also according to the GAO, this is unsustainable.
In a previous post, I had forecasted that the US National Debt would grow to a level of $50T by the end of this decade. With the increase in government spending, including the increase in interest expense, which will come from the ever-increasing deficits, I am more confident than ever that this will be the case. Unless this unrestrained spending and printing of money is curtailed, this country will eventually bankrupt itself and the US dollar will become worthless.
This was recently confirmed by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) when they projected that the US government will spend over $70T over the next decade. If this doesn’t scare you. it should. As I have written previously, not only is the financial well-being of this country at risk but our national security as well. Bankrupt countries cannot defend themselves.
We have all had to endure the dramatic increases in the price of energy. The price of gasoline, heating oil, natural gas, and electricity have all increased since senile Old Joe took office. All of these increases have been in the double-digit range with gasoline, heating oil, and natural gas all doubling in price since December 2020, which was right before Joe Biden took office.
This is all borne out by the fact that, according to the US Energy Information Administration (EIA), the price of a gallon of unleaded regular gas at the end of December 2020 was $2.12. The current price, according to Triple AAA, of that same gallon of unleaded regular, as of June 15, 2022, was slightly over $5. Thank you, Mr. President, for shooting the American consumer in the foot. Thank you also for causing low and lower-middle class income families to choose between putting gas in their vehicles and heating their homes or putting food on the table.
The price of fuel is one of the main drivers of the price increases of food and other retail items. Since everything we purchase is shipped either by railcar or over the road tractor trailer, the higher cost of fuel has made it more expensive to ship these products to market. This increase in shipping costs is being passed on to you, the ultimate consumer in the form of higher prices.
During his recent trip to the Western Pacific, the duly elected inhabitant of the White House made what may be his most significant gaffe since taking office. This particular example of verbal diarrhea absolutely floored just about anyone who heard it spoken. This president, who is supposed to be working in the best interest of the people of the United States, openly admitted that the high price of energy was planned by his administration to force US consumers to begin the “transition” towards the use of green energy. These planned high energy prices are part of the “incredible transition” from the use of fossil fuels toward the use of green energy.
What he said, in essence, was that the current fuel shortages and higher prices were planned by his administration as a means to force the American public into using “ green energy.” This planned shortage of energy is nothing short of coercion and a betrayal of the American public.
There are at least three problems that I see with this poorly planned “incredible transition.” The first, and most obvious, is that the infrastructure needed to generate the 100 quadrillion BTUs of energy that are currently consumed each year in the US does not exist. To provide you with a reference, one quadrillion is the number one followed by fifteen zeros. Neither the US nor any other country that I am aware of is anywhere close to achieving this level of electric power generation using green energy.
As a matter of fact, even if the US were to begin converting this country over to green energy, it would take years to complete the transition. Here in the US, the average consumer would find it more difficult to commute to work and to heat and electrify their homes.
The most dishonest president in US history is flat-out lying to the American people. I don’t make this claim lightly. If this president were genuinely interested in going green, he would not be begging countries like Iran and Venezuela, who hate our guts, to pump more crude and alleviate the high price of gasoline on the world market. He has also approached OPEC, hat in hand, and made the same request to them It is my understanding that all three of these entities basically told him to “pound sand.”
This mental lightweight refuses to even consider the option of finishing the Keystone XL Pipeline. This alone would deliver 900,000 barrels of Canadian crude to our refineries in Texas every day. He also has the option of selling new oil and gas leases on federal land and in the Gulf of Mexico. He not only refuses to do this, but he is actually now canceling oil and gas leases that were previously sold to oil companies.
Taking advantage of these two options alone would substantially lower the price of crude on the world market. When you consider that crude oil makes up 60–65% of the price of gasoline, lowering the price of crude would result in a significantly lower price at the pump. He has made the choice not to do this. It’s not Vladimir Putin’s fault, and it’s not Donald Trump’s fault. It’s Joe Biden’s fault. PERIOD!!
Another consequence of this “incredible transition” is that it would cripple American oil companies, eventually causing them to shut down. Here again, the Biden Administration is attempting to force the American public to “go green.” As I stated above, it will take years to transition the grid over to renewable energy. In the meantime, consumers will be forced to pay through the nose – or do without.
The second problem I see is that the average price of a new electric vehicle is estimated to be $57,000. I don’t know the exact percentage of our population who could afford to spend that amount of money on a new vehicle, but I would bet the farm that it’s less than 50%.
Here again, the consequences of this “incredible transition” are that, not only will the average family not be able to afford a new electric vehicle, they will be forced to drive their gas-powered vehicle and have no other option than pay the exorbitant price of gasoline to commute back and forth to work. The problem that will arise is that, as electric vehicles become more prevalent on the roads, the demand for gasoline will be reduced. As this trend progresses, the producers of gasoline will reduce production levels because of the lower demand. As demand and production decrease, the price per gallon of that gasoline will increase. This will make life even more difficult for low-income families, as a larger percentage of their income will need to be spent on commuting expenses.
Evidently, this woefully inadequate excuse for a president, in his quest to “save the world and become a hero to all mankind,” is under the misconception that crude oil from OPEC, Iran, or Venezuela produces less greenhouse gasses than American crude. What other reason could there be for importing crude from our enemies instead of drilling for it domestically? This is totally ludicrous. As a matter of fact, US oil producers release less methane and other greenhouse gasses during the extraction process than any other oil producing country on this planet. It should be obvious to everyone at this point that the real goal, the ultimate goal, is to put US oil companies out of business.
If this country were to transition over to green energy in a controlled, gradual manner, I don’t think that there would be too many people who would complain. But to literally declare war on the fossil fuels industry with the intent of putting them out of business without a viable alternative in place would not be in the best interest of this country. It would be nothing more than radical climate change extremism at its worst. If not done properly this so called incredible transition could end up doing more harm than good.
The third problem I see is that if this “incredible transition” is allowed to continue, the price of energy will continue to increase. There will be a point at which some consumers will be unable to put gas in their cars or heating oil in their oil tanks. It will take years for this country to transition over to green energy – if it can even be done. In the meantime, families at the lower end of the income spectrum will be forced to make difficult choices about heating their homes and commuting to work or putting food on the table.
The next shoe to drop will be an across-the-board increase in the price of labor. This has in fact already begun. As the price of goods and services increase, the overall cost of living will also increase. This means that in order to keep up with the increase in the cost of living, workers at all levels will need to earn a higher wage. This increase in the cost of labor will cause an additional increase in the cost of goods and services.
I hate to say this, but, according to the many economists who have written articles on this issue or who have been interviewed on various news programs, this is just the beginning. Buckle up. It’s going to be a rough ride.
During the last presidential debate, candidate Biden promised to “lockdown the virus, not the country.” He also promised to “crush the virus.” Thus far, his efforts have been less than successful. I’m actually not even sure if he made an effort. Other than setting up vaccine distribution points, many of which were local chain pharmacies, such as Walgreens and CVS, I am really unaware of any other steps that were taken by his administration to curb the spread of the virus.
Another verbal gem spoken by candidate Joe Biden during that same debate was that 200,000 Americans had died from the virus while Donald Trump was president. According to the most arrogant president in US history, “anyone who is responsible for that many American deaths should not remain as president.”
The current number of Americans who have died from Covid-19 stands at roughly 999,000 as of May 23, 2022. When Trump left office on January 20, 2021, the number of Americans who had passed away from Covid stood at 385,000. This means that since Old Joe became president at least 614,000 Americans have perished from Covid. Using his own standard, shouldn’t someone who is responsible for that many Covid deaths not remain as president? By the way, the number is still increasing.
What makes this comparison even more damning is that President Biden had the benefit of at least three vaccines that were developed under Operation Warp Speed and numerous therapeutics. President Trump, on the other hand, had no vaccines and very few therapeutics to work with. Even with the benefit of those vaccines, almost twice as many Americans have died from Covid on Joe Biden’s watch than under Trump.
For the sixteen months “his arrogance” has been in the White House, the Democrat Party has controlled both houses of Congress. One would think that, with control of the presidency and both houses of Congress, he would have all the tools necessary to “lock down the virus.” Instead, the number of dead Americans keeps climbing.
I read an article about this next issue in early 2021. Actually, I remember shaking my head in disbelief that the elected President of the United States could be this stupid and still have the brain power to breath. This decision, which was made by Joe Biden when he first became president, is an insult to every tax-paying citizen in this country.
When Joe Biden was sworn into office, one of his first blunders (excuse me, decisions) was to stop work on the border wall. His reasoning (you won’t believe this) was that it was “a waste of money.” I’m not going to discuss, here in this post, the pros and cons of building “the wall.” The issue that I want to bring to your attention is the fact that the US government, under orders from the genius in chief, is spending $3M per day to guard the unused building materials that were left near the job site after work on the wall was stopped. I have no idea what the value of these materials are, but it must be a substantial sum to spend $3M per day guarding them. If you were to do the math, the cost would be $90M per month. If you were to extend that cost out to a full year the cost would be just short of $1.1B. Keep in mind that the duly elected idiot in the White House said that building the wall was “a waste of money.” Really, Joe?
How many years will this colossal waste of taxpayer money continue? If building the wall was a waste of money, how should the government classify squandering $3M per day to guard these building materials? It would seem to me that it is within Joe Biden’s authority to stop construction on the border wall. But it makes no sense to spend $3M per day indefinitely guarding these materials when they could be used for the purpose for which they were intended, which is building the wall. After those materials are used up, if he chooses to stop construction on the wall, so be it. Although I would strongly disagree with that choice, it is his call.
One other topic I want to touch on is illegal immigration and our wide-open southern border. Our Border Patrol is currently encountering two million asylum seekers per week. It is the policy of Addled Old Joe to eliminate Title 42, which allows Border Patrol to reject immigrants at the border who pose either a health threat to Americans or are found to have entered the country illegally in an attempt to evade detection.
If Title 42 were to be eliminated, it is estimated that the number of asylum seekers coming to our border each week would swell to approximately 6,000 per day. This number may be understated. I say this because in the month of April 2022 there were 234,000 encounters at our southern border. This computes to 7,800 per day or 2.9 million per year. This number is with Title 42 still in place. If and when Title 42 is eliminated there is no telling how many immigrants per day will be encountered at our border. The number could increase to 4 or 5 million per year. How did these people become our responsibility?
There are two other issues that are closely related to our southern border crisis. The first is that there are tons upon tons of deadly drugs being smuggled across our border. We know this because tons of those drugs are found and confiscated every year by our Border Patrol. The list includes fentanyl, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamines, and marijuana. Some of this marijuana is laced with fentanyl. There are drugs that are in capsule form, which are made up to look like oxycodone or other pharmaceutical painkillers. In reality, these capsules contain fentanyl. There are in excess of 100,000 people per year dying from drug overdoses. Many of these deaths are those of teenagers and young adults. This is happening every year, in every state in the union, and nothing seems to be able to stop it. Our Border Patrol are overwhelmed with thousands of migrants coming to our country every day. There are not enough Border Patrol agents to cover the border and process this mass of humanity that is invading our country.
Problem number two, which is just as serious but in a different way, is the sex trafficking of women and young girls here in the US. These young women are sold into sex slavery every day, and little if anything seems to be done about it. Lawmakers on both sides of the aisle are aware of the problem but fail to act. At the very least, putting more Border Patrol on the border would be a first step. Additionally, we could and should send the National Guard to work in conjunction with the Border Patrol to at least stem the flow of the drug traffic and the sex trafficking of these young women. Drug traffickers and sex traffickers should be dealt with severely. They should be given long prison sentences with no chance of parole. Repeat offenders should be incarcerated for life, also with no chance of parole.
The disastrous withdrawal of American troops from Afghanistan will be a stain on this president’s record for as long as America’s history is recorded. It was not well planned, and the self-imposed deadline of August 31, 2021, set by this president was impossible to meet safely. The result was 13 dead American servicemen, hundreds of Americans stranded in Afghanistan, and thousands of our Afghan partners abandoned there. America’s word is now mud. What country in their right mind would take our word for anything after this embarrassment?
Our country is at risk, not only from the current level of inflation and the high cost of energy but from the incompetence of Joe Biden. The economic woes of this country are a direct result of the policies pushed by Joe Biden himself and the radical left wing of his party. They are a nightmare for the average American family. Arrogant Old Joe doesn’t seem to realize that many people, especially those with families, are struggling just to make ends meet. He must think that the average citizen here in America lives like him. He is the, “Let them eat cake” President. In his addled old brain, it is not his responsibility to worry about “the little people,” many of whom voted for him.
The current inhabitant of the White House considers himself to be the great unifier. The reality is that he has only succeeded in dividing this country. He has referred to almost half of the people who voted in the last presidential election as “white supremacists, right-wing extremists, and even Ultra Maga.” He is obviously not a unifier. He is the divider in chief, and it shows every day.
In addition to being divided politically, our economy is on the brink of recession and our national security is at risk. The man is incompetent, and that also shows every day.
Almost every time that Joe Biden opens his mouth without the aid of a teleprompter, he sticks his foot in it. He has made statements in public, for example, that Vladimir Putin should not remain in office. He also said that, in the event that Communist China were to invade Taiwan, the US would defend the island nation. Both of these statements contradict US policy, and both had to be quickly walked back by administration staffers. Both of these statements could have created a national security issue. Fortunately for all concerned, both Russia and China are aware that our president is prone to making idiotic statements and let those comments pass.
It has been reported that major cities in the Midwest will experience rolling power outages this summer. The reason given for these power outages is that a number of power plants will be taken offline. These power plants will include both coal fired and nuclear. Question: How stupid is it to shut down power plants without having replacement power generation in place? Answer: Very stupid. Will this become the norm here in the US?
In addition to rolling blackouts, there is also the very real possibility that the US will have to endure a shortage of gasoline. With the summer driving season approaching, the demand for gas will increase. If a corresponding increase in supply does not happen, a shortage will occur and the consumer will face additional price increases: some estimates have been as high as $10.00 per gallon by August.
There is also the strong likelihood that affordable housing will become scarce. Inflation is having a significant impact on the price of lumber and other building materials. Prices were already increasing due to the Covid-19 pandemic. This second round of increases will only make matters worse. It’s becoming more difficult for a family with average means to find a house or even a rental that they can afford.
As the prices of single-family homes increase, so too does the price of rental units. Since when has the American consumer been faced with $5 per gallon gasoline, power outages, and the reality of being unable to afford to feed their families? Since when are Americans unable to afford decent housing for their families? The answer is since Joe Biden became president.
It is the consensus of many of America’s noted economists that the US will enter into a recession during the first half of 2023. Some of those same people are of the opinion that we may have already gone into recession. If the country is currently in recession or is about to enter into recession, economic growth will continue to decrease, job growth will end, government tax revenue will decrease, yearly deficits will go up, and our national debt will explode. Our country will be in an economic crisis.
Our legal system is in crisis. Violent criminals are being released with little or no bail – only to go out and commit other crimes the next day. As I said above, our economy is about to enter into a recession. The citizens of this country are so divided that the situation can only be described as a political crisis. This nation is under attack by radical left-wing extremists, and it is taking its toll.
We have a chance to stop this lunacy or at least slow it down come November. In my view, that is our only salvation at this point. It is estimated that Republicans will flip between forty and fifty seats in the House. With each passing day, that number seems to increase. The number in the Senate is estimated to be somewhere in the low single digits. That would be enough to end Joe Biden’s reign of idiocy. If both houses of Congress flip to the Republican side, we will be well positioned to retake the White House in 2024.
All the bad decisions, all the bad policies, all the bumbling, and all gaffes have brought this country to the edge of the cliff. This president and his merry band of left-wing radicals are truly the greatest gift the Democrats could ever give to the Conservative Republican Party. Let’s hope that the people of this country will recall, come election day, what has transpired during the first two years of what possibly could be the worst presidency in US history.
I want to touch on one topic before I close. As of June 20, 2022, Joe Biden will have been in office for seventeen months or 515 days. Of these 515 days, Biden has been out of the White House on vacation for 190 of those days. This computes to roughly 37% of his time as president. If Joe Biden were to serve his entire four-year term he would spend a total of 536 days away from the White House, not counting business trips. That would be the most of any president in US history. I would normally be unhappy that a public servant, especially one who is serving as the President of the United States, would shirk his duties by not showing up for work. However, in this particular case, it may not be a bad idea.
I have to apologize to you for my lack of brevity in this post. My only defense is that there are so many issues and so many bad decisions, and so much damage done to the country, that it took all these pages to get it all down. Just to be clear, there were several other issues that I could have taken up but decided not to.
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